chapter two

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"How could you let him get away with the specter?" Bianca asked the brunette, angry raging in her voice. The three enhanced individuals were staying in a motel, and the tension was thick in the small room. The twins were sitting on one of the two beds in the motel, watching the blonde-haired girl with worried eyes. Bianca continued pacing was swift and grace, her footsteps barely making any sound. The room was suffocating her slowly as her mind replayed the events of this morning over and over again, showing her all the things she could have done to stop the Avengers from winning.

Wanda let out a sigh and answered, "Bee, you need to understand that I did it for a reason."

"You keep telling me that, but that is still not an answer," Bianca snapped at her, and ignored the string of guilt that coursing through her. "I need an explanation, and right now your not giving me anything."

Pietro's muscle tensed, and Bianca could dislike the pressure that she was putting on his twin sister. Bianca and the twins met about two years, and even though the blonde would never admit this but the two were the only people she really cared about. Bianca herself disliked putting pressure on the female Maximoff, but with the thick anger coursing through her like a drug, she needed answers so the pain and regret would subside. She trusted Wanda, so if she just gave her an explanation, the whole events wouldn't feel like a huge failure.

Bianca waited, the silence adding to the tension in the small motel room. The blonde watched the brunette closely, trying to see any signs of nervousness or worry, but either of those emotions were visible in the girl's stance. Curiosity slowly filled the blonde as she looked at Wanda's emerald green eyes. They seemed far away, distant, but Bianca should still see the mischievous grin that hid behind the mask, and the sight of that cocky grin made adrenaline spike in the cold-girls veins.

The blonde suddenly stopped her pacing, and crouched down in front of the Maximoff girl. Wanda's green eyes met the fourteen-year-old's blue, and in the glance, a thousands words were quickly spoken. A understatement and apology were both said in the soft glance, and Bianca's shoulder slowly started to untense. The slight relaxation made her head spin, and a light pounding started to throb through her forehead.

Ignoring the newfound pain, Bianca said, "I'm sorry, but I have a right to be angry and so do both of you."

"Bee, we are angry," Pietro told the blonde, placing a soft hand on her shoulder.

"For so long, I wanted to face them, to stop them," I continued, more anger filling every word, "Today we had that and we failed because that stupid billionaire who calls himself Iron Man still got what he wanted. That's why I'm upset because I feel like a failure knowing that he got his hands on what he wanted but I trust you, so please tell me why we gave him what he wanted."

Wanda quietly broke our eyes contact, and her green eyes fell quietly to her hands. A light red orb had formed on her fingertips, and she started to fidget with the small ball, letting it bounce across her fingers. Bianca waited again for a response, but this time inpatients didn't strangle her, because she finally started to put the pieces in her head. The Maximoff girl could look into people's minds, and through HYDRA's experiments, she was only able to do it a couple of time. Memories started to resurface, memories filled with Wanda staring at the wall for hours on end, her emerald eyes lost in the things she had seen. Each time she returned a little bit quicker, but it still sometimes took a toll on her thoughts.

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