chapter three

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The three enhanced teenagers cautiously made their way towards the abandoned church, each of them wearing the same nervous expression.

The abandoned church stood in the center of town, and even though the walls were cracking and everything about the building is broken, she still found the place beautiful. Bianca wondered silently to herself what the broken church would have looked like in it's prime days and what had caused it to lose pieces of structure. There was a thin wire fence surrounding the building, threatening people to not pass beyond. But the entrance to the fence was open slightly, trumping the original message of the wire gate. Bianca's ice blue eyes traveled across the dead flowers and locks that lined the fence, trying to find anything out of place about the broken building.

"Have you ever been to this place before?" Bianca asked, her voice soft and weightless.

Wanda nodded but Pietro was the one to answer. "We used to come here often."

Bianca gulped, choking down the guilt that I felt for the two Maximoff twins. The two of them had lost both of their parents in a bombing that was similar to mine. Bombs made by the famous Tony Stark rained from the sky, destroying everything in sight. The only difference between the twins and herself, was that Wanda and Pietro remembered their parents, remembered them as people. People that they loved and would do anything for. Bianca only remembered the bombing, nothing before that. Her mother, the only one of her two parents that she did remember, had died and given her a necklace. The necklace was beautiful, but to the fourteen-year-old, it only symbolize what she couldn't remember.

The fence and all the execories rattled as the three enhanced slide through the gate. Wanda and Bianca stared a glance, and for a moment both of their eyes flashed with color, telling each other that they were ready to attack if there meeting went sideways.

Bianca didn't believe that they were meeting with the famous Tony Stark in the small abandoned church. She never thought that for a moment, even when the two words of the superheros name fell from the young boys lips. The first giveaway was that the child had said, A Iron Man, Bianca knew that the boy would now the armor that protected Tony Stark's flesh. She knew that the Maximoff twins were thinking the same thing, but that still left the question of who this "iron man" is. Even though Bianca was thinking of every possible answer, all of them had their large holes. So she stopped her mind from working, and focused on meeting this intruder.

The three walked with confidence into the inside of the church, each of them had their heads held high. The inside of the abandoned place was even more broken. There was a mix of dust, brick pieces, and glass shards scattered around the uneven brick ground. The inside of the church was wide, and the openness of the place slightly calmed the rushing nerves flowing through the Vale girl's body.

Bianca's wandering eyes paused once they landed on the throne in the middle of the room. The seat was raised, over the place that long ago was a place to pray to the lord up above. Sitting on the throne was the body of a man, and I squinted a bit trying to get a better look at the person. The man was underneath a red cloak, hiding himself from the three enhanced teenagers.

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