chapter four

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Screams rang loudly in the thick air of a robotics lab. Alarms were going off, the red beaming lights turning the white walls a shade of light pink. The sounding alarms were barely even heard over the screams of fear and the clattering of objects. People, either soldier or scientist, were falling to the ground, not being able to overpower the three enhanced and the high tech robot that challenged them.

Over the past couple of days, Bianca had seen a lot of places like this one. Some of labs and facilities would surrender instantly, knowing that they couldn't stop the threat. But the others were cocky, thinking that they could be one to stop the monsters. Bianca liked the cocky ones, because it gave her an excuse to use her powers.

Two blue orbs appeared in Bianca's hand, and she quickly fired them at one of the soldiers. The impact from the orbs knocked the man back against the wall, and he quickly fell into unconsciousness. Gun shots were firing around the room, and the sound made Bianca immediately duck behind a fallen table, not wanting to get injured by the weapon. Bianca breathed heavily, trying to get the air in and out of her burning lungs. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins, her mind wrapped only around the attack around her and how good it felt to use her powers of ice. Suddenly, she heard a light snap, and Bianca quickly glanced around the corner to see that Wanda had crushed the gun, her eyes red with anger. The crumbled weapon clattered to the ground, and the girl didn't take any time to use her magic to get inside the soldiers head, stopping him from attacking.

Bianca jumped from her hiding spot once she saw the man crumbled to the ground, his mind swallowing up. Her eyes turned a lighter shade of blue as her power surged though her limbs. A orb of powerful ice appeared at her palm, and she quickly fired at one of solider who was about to grab his fallen gun. Blue orbs flew around the room, hitting any solider or any scientist that tried to attack them. Her hands were quick and graceful, using her newfound power with ease. Even though Bianca's eyes were dark, a smirk was closely crossing her face. These people were fighting against them, so they needed to be put in check. And Ultron needed some equipment for the army he was building in the abandon Sokovian hideout. These two things were important to Bianca, of course, but the smirk on her face was from the thrill of power and adrenaline coursing through her veins. She liked feeling powerful, she liked that she wasn't a lab rat anymore and that she can finally do things her way.

Suddenly, something zipped across the room and the last couple of guard fall to the ground roughly. I blinked twice, and my eyes landed on Pietro, who was wearing a smug expression. The teenage boy had been off racing through the building, making sure that no reinforcements got anywhere near the lab. Bianca had wanted to go with the boy, but sadly, she wasn't gifted with the power of super speed.

Bianca rolled her pale blue eyes at the boy, and crossed her arms over her chest, annoyance filling her stance. "I had them you know. If you had only given me a couple seconds I--"

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