"Week of Bloody Winter" the people still talked about that year. The year where everyone expected to see the first snow on the streets but instead of snow covering the road, that year they were covered with blood.

Traitors blood!

I think at that moment everyone was remembering and I think Giovanni wanted to remind them who is he, and what he can do.

Soon the tension was broke with the woman's laugh and the conversation was changed, and the atmosphere was back to normal.

After a few minutes, came to Giovanni to make a move again, making the opportunity for me to approach him. Coming closer to him from behind, keeping myself in the dark, my hands behind my back as I bent over, coming to the same height as Giovanni.

I could feel his power radiating from him. The perfume he was wearing was so alluring. God, that made me almost slip.

Focus Nora!

"We found the one that gave information away," I whispered, close to him but still making a respectful distance from him.

My report made him stop in his action as he takes out the cigarette with his rose hand, placing it in his ashtray.

"You sure" he questioned my knowledge.

Well, I have bruises to confirm that, but his question made me froze; he didn't like false information reported to him.

Maybe he looked relaxed to others, but me seeing him changing his posture to the predator he is.

"Where is he" he wanted to know.

"In torture room, being tied right now." He hummed in satisfaction at my answer. Burning his cigarette in his ashtray, he was watching at his card as he slowly placed it at the table, making the man groan.

"Better next time," Giovanni said as he moved his chair back, standing up, making me move backwards, giving him space to move.

The other stand up, showing their respect, as Giovanni nodded to them.

"Gentlemen and to the ladies, unfortunate events happen and I have to leave you all, make yourself comfortable and enjoy your night. Thanks for the game"

He slowly moved around the table coming to Michael, shaking his hand, he pulled him closer" I hope you don't lose my respect because these days some people don't know how to hold their tongue "I could see Michael sweat as he swallowed, his adam's apple moving, forcing a fake smile

"Nice catching up, Giovanni," the man nodded.

Making the other three of Giovanni's guard's move, following him behind. Two guards opened the metal door for the boss as we exited behind him.

"Talk," he commanded, taking me by surprise as I looked at him, making him halt, making me realise what made him stop.

"Sir?" whatever he was thinking, it was already forgotten, continuing his walk towards the torture room.

Shaking my head, confused.

"We got the tip from one of the guards that saw him in one of the clubs, praising about getting your information exchanged for a good amount of money. Even if we got him by surprise, he got to run away."

That son of bitch.

"We successfully caught him on the steps of Montgomery"

"Montgomery" Giovanni muttered

"Possible him keeping him safe?" I proposed.

Giovanni said nothing as he was in his thought. Whatever he was thinking, he didn't want to share them with me. As we came closer to the door of the torture room, two guards that were keeping the watch nodded at Giovanni.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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