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Hello Readers,

I wanted to rewrite this because some of you seem to not have open minds or lack a sense of warning. This book was written for fun, just to make ships like everyone else has, and everyone else has been doing, but instead of doing simple comments, cliché noises and all that usual stuff.

The characters in this book are giving, for the most part, genuine commentary.

Now, what this means is that each character will comment and rate about the particular ships in each category with as much careful thinking as I can muster with diversity in the opinions based on the character, their personality and their relationship with the ship.

Also, other aspects of their personality whether lessened or amplified so they don't seem completely one dimensional. For example, Sai is known to be very blunt, so I've amplified that.

It may not seem like things they would say, but that's the point. That's why I call them characters, because I've added personality traits to them and given them the freedom of speech for our entertainment, so you can't expect them to be similar to themselves in the anime and I'm very much aware that what they say or behave like in this book may not be who you envision them to be, but that's what I envision them to be.

Have a problem with that? Write your own book.

Now, for the main issues that I'm having in the comment section particularly, SasuNaru, SasuSaku and NaruSaku.

First and foremost, I am not a Sakura hater. The opinions you see in this book are again diverse and based on the characters, otherwise SasuSaku would've gotten a big fat zero. Now I love Sakura, what I don't like is her character and how it relates to Sasuke.

Especially her lack of goals and self worth that only revolve around Sasuke and not for herself. I am not a fan of him treating her like crap and almost killing her on multiple occasions while she stands there and gets saved by someone else, it's not cute. And those of you who call that realistic need to seek therapy.

Yes, Sasuke is behaving himself now and they're canon, but if nobody had saved her those times he attacked what would she be? Yes, she'd be dead.

And that doesn't sit well with me and I'm pretty sure her friends wouldn't like it either.

Secondly, what you would see as "Sakura slander" is a little thing I like to call tough love. If you don't understand it then let me explain, if your parents are trying to teach you a lesson they'll most likely do it softly and with care, but if your friends or siblings do it then you'll receive it as tough love.

Example? Sure:

Parents: "Sweetie, he's not the best for you. You need to think about what you're doing or you might end up hurting yourself."

Friends/Siblings: "BITCH! Are you fucking stupid!? He's dangerous and has almost gotten you killed more than once. Do you lack a sense of danger or do you lack a brain?!"

See the difference?

It's not Sakura slander, it's tough love that again is used as a lesson but also for entertainment. And it's not coming from my mouth, it's coming from the character who are her friends. You can think of it as a story if you'd like.

Open your mind.

Thirdly, these opinions aren't all mine. If they were then I would be contradicting myself because some of the characters agree with the ship and some don't and I don't think a lot of you realize that because you're so busy jumping to accusations about someone you don't even know.

Majority of you probably still think I'm a female.

I have a profile, I have stories that have Sakura in it because I mainly write about KibaNaru stories and OFC I'm having Sakura be implemented into that shit as a best friend or major character.

Speaking of which, go read my other stories. You'll notice that I'm not a fan of Sasuke cause I make him the antagonist for them, and he also gets called out in this book, but everyone kinda closes their eyes on his "slander" for some reason...

Still I try to do him and everyone justice through the book because at the end of the day it's just an opinion and it was made for entertainment. If you want to defend someone who you feel is being attacked then collect your evidence properly instead of jumping to conclusions in my comments and getting quiet when I respond.

Also don't harass the other readers and their opinions cause that's when I'll really get involved because I believe you're entitled to speak freely as long as it's done respectfully.

That's all I have to say on these matters and I hope you enjoy the story and if you decide not to read these and ignore absolutely everything I said then, I'll see you in the comment section.

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