$outhside rules

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summary: Ian and Mickey go out to eat at a fancy place, and someone says shit about micks tats.
This is actually v sweet :)
Date nights.

Boy were they some night.

It was once every week where they spent time alone, going out or staying in, together. A break from the kids, the Gallaghers, the Balls, Ex wives, everyone.
Don't get them wrong they live everyone, even Svet, but sometimes they need a break.

That's how Mickey ended up here in a suit and tie, because they needed a break. Ian made this reservation at a high fancy north side restaurant. They figured since they live there now, they should eat there too. Or well, Ian figured.
Mickey was fine with staying home and having a meal together. Not even a meal, just ordering pizza in their sweats and watching Van Damme. But Ian was persistent.

So he stuffed himself in a suit and tie. Or trying too. "God fucking damnit!" Mickey yelled, frustrated with trying to put on the tie. "This shit is bullshit!" He ripped the tie off and threw it on the floor, jumping and stomping on it like it just insulted him or some shit. Well technically in a way it did!
Ian entered the room watching his husband kick the already plastered to the floor tie. "Mick?" The ginger raised his eyebrow asking him to explain. "This stupid shit is stupid!" Mick said, pointing at it like a child.

"Whatd they do? Have the wrong chiavari chairs?" "Haha very funny asshole", he says sarcastically, "the stupid shit won't tie around my fucking neck." "Mick all you had to do was ask babe. Here let me help you." Ian said, picking up the poor tie, and attempting to tie it around his neck.
After, ten minutes of frustration, "What the fuck! Stupid ass tie! Why the hell won't it fucking tie?! That's it's job!!" comes from Ian. "That's what the fuck I'm saying!" Mickey says. "Whatever don't wear the tie, you look hot anyways." Ian said. "Shut the fuck up idiot."

Then Ian really took in just how good Mickey looked. His gelled back hair, but it was popping out from the side, his black dress shirt, that fits him so fucking good, hugging all the right places, and his nice tight black jeans that make his ass look like a godsend. His ass was a godsend.
"No Mick you seriously look beautiful" Ian said. "Ian.." a blushing Mickey stuttered out, "don't start shit you cant finish.." He says as Ian starts rutting against him.
By now he's panting hard and fuck he's gonna ruin his nice clothes.

"Ian we got.. we gotta go." The ravenette says as Ian's biting and sucking his neck and oh man that feels good.

"Okay..Maybe.." Mickey says panting, "Yea." Ian responds through heavy breathing, already moving to take off his husbands pants.
They arrive at their reservations late. Really late. All because fucking Ian wanted to eat his ass after he came in it.
Fucking Gallagher.

Now Micks walking funny, Ian has to hold him up right, and they as for a table close to the exit. Fucking Gallagher.

"Hi I'm your waiter..Jared..why.." the waiter stuttered staring intently at Mickey's tattoos. "Um sir? Why are your knuckles tattooed FUCK-U-UP?" He asks Mickey, his body language changing.
"Well believe it or not, I was a dumbass when I was younger. Why?" Mickey raises an eyebrow as to why this scrawny guy was interested in his tattoos.
"N-No reason sir. I'll be with you in a minute." And after that Jared guy walks away quickly.

Mickey sighs looking down at his hands, it wasn't his fault, he thought they were cool when he was younger. It got him respect, no one fucked with him. Their kids thought it was cool, leks plays with his hands all the time. So why does one north side teenager make him feel so crappy?
Ian can see his husband studying his hands. Trying to hide his hands. Ian loves to touch it and Mickey flinches. Force of habit, and Ian wishes it wasn't. God how he wishes it wasn't.

"Hey, stop it." Ian says moving to hold both of Mickeys hands. "Stop worrying about what he said. You're perfect Mick, I love you tattoos. I love watching leks play with them, trying to say the word on your right hand. You are perfect." Ian ended with a kiss to his knuckles.
"Man, you're so fucking gay." Mickey chuckled, breaking into his smile that he only smiled for Ian Gallagher.
"Man, you're so fucking whipped for me." Ian smiled back, now that he set the mood back.
"Damn we've been waiting for so fucking long Ian. I'm hungry as shit. We didn't even get our drinks." Mickey whined.
"Babe, it's been 10 minutes. We didn't even order food." Ian responded, amazed with his husbands lack of patience. "Well whatever we should've gotten like complimentary bread or some shit. Come find our waiter with me. Please." "Fuck no don't give me the Mickey eyes," Mick turned on the Mickey eyes, "Fuck fine let's go." "Thanks baby, you're the best. I'll sit on your face later." Mickey said planting a kiss on Ian's cheek.
Ian slapped Mickeys ass, "Stop being like that! We're in public!!" Ian whisper-shouted, embarrassed.

They walk around for a few minutes coming to a stop when they hear their waiters voice, "And you know the guy has tattoos? Tattoos that read 'FUCK-U-UP'! I'm not fucking kidding!" Ian and Mickey listen in, Mickey automatically hiding his hands. "And fuck he looks so fucking dirty! God I don't know how he landed that ginger because jesus." Ian's blood was boiling, but he kept it under control for Mickeys sake.
But all Mick wanted to do was get out from there. He slowly backed away, and ran out of there faster than a cat in water.

Ian hated the fact that random people could make Mickey feel so useless. He can't apologize for his childhood. It made him who he was. But he wasn't dirty. He was surviving. When he got those tattoos he had won a fist fight against Iggy for the first time. Jamie and Collin was proud of him. Even Iggy was. Ian knew the story behind Mickeys tats. He loved his tattoos. He loves him. So why can't everyone, especially this stupid ass fucking waiter just back the fuck off?
"Hey asshole!" Ian calls out. The Jared guy turns around and, Next thing he knows he's on the ground covering his bloody nose.
But Ian's running out that place faster than you can say his name.
"Mick?" Ian called out through the house once he got home. "Mickey baby?" He tried. With the name, Mick loved being called that.
"Fuck!" He screamed, running his hands through his hair. Where the fuck was his husband? Maybe he's with the kids?
Ian quickly gets out his phone, dialing Mandys number. "Hey Ian, what's up?"Mandy answered the phone. "Mands, hey. Is Mick there with the kids?" He asked hastily. "No, the kids are all in the room upstairs watching a movie. What's up is something wrong?"

Leks and Max loved going over to auntie Mandys house. They loved her, and loved playing with her kids.

"I cant find Mick, is all. I thought maybe he'd visit to see the kids, but I guess not." "Huh that's strange, he left me a voicemail saying he's at a baseball field? If that helps?" Of fucking course! He's back to the dugouts! "Yes yes Mandy thank you so much! Tell leks and max daddy says hi!"
He rushed out the house, on his way to the El. He needs to get his fucking husband back.
He reached the dugouts, trying to limit the sound he was making. He knew Mickey got spooked by sudden sounds.
"Mick?" He called out. "It's me baby." Ian said, cautious not knowing what he'll be greeted with. "Hi E" Mickey smiled. "Hello my love." Ian said.
He took a seat next to the dark haired boy, and simply just held his hand. Stroking his thumb over his tattoos.

such a simple gesture, calmed Mick.
Ian calmed Mick.

The end.

Hello! Since i'm going back on school time i figured i would try to keep a steady schedule of updating. And so i've released this exactly one week just after i released the last chapter. I'm trying here. I might also release one shots randomly tho! Might get two in a week if you're lucky. But i hope you guys enjoy, thank you so much for the support, for reading, for adding to reading lists, voting, just thank you for it all! i love you all so much! Farewell, my lovelies.

Savannah <3

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