The captain stood there feeling helpless and shocked all at once. "David, we have to go after her!" Snow panicked.

As the king tried to calm his pregnant wife, Killian walked over to the vanity where Emma's swan necklace was placed. He picked it up, remembering how she never took it off. Even the day they met, she wore that necklace with pride. It almost seemed impossible to imagine her without it. But then again, she also promised to never take her ring off either. The ring that now sat in his pocket, missing its proper owner.

In any other situation regarding Emma, he too would panic, but he felt oddly calm. Almost as if he didn't know how to react, like the calm before the storm. He didn't know what the note said, but he was certain she only went to King Rumple's kingdom to save her unborn sibling. He would never blame an infant, but he could undoubtedly blame the two people who started it all, "This is all your fault." Killian calmly stated without looking up.

"Pardon?" Snow asked as she wiped away a few tears.

"I think you heard me clearly, your majesty." The captain responded, his tone growing harsh, "This is your fault." He pointed at the king and queen.

The king fumed with anger as he crossed his arms, "None of this would have happened if you kept Emma out at sea as we told you!"

Killian Jones was not a man you wanted to shout at. He didn't care if this was Emma's father, nor did his royal status phase him, "None of this would have happened if you didn't make a deal with that bloody imp in the first place!" He shouted back, "You care more about this damn kingdom than your only daughter."

"This kingdom was the only thing keeping my daughter safe!" The king argued back, "I should have trusted my judgment and should never let her go with a pirate." He stated, turning to his wife.

It was as if the air had been knocked out of the captain. He knew him and David didn't always see eye to eye, but he felt he had proven himself to be more than a pirate. He raised his finger and got close to the king, "I have done more to protect your daughter in the past year than you have in her entire life." Killian defended himself calmly.

David's face changed to hurt in a matter of seconds, but before he could respond, Snow stood between the two men. Her swollen stomach providing a decent amount of space between them, "Enough!" She shouted, "We all made mistakes, but we need to find Emma before it's too late."

The captain was the first to regain sanity. They had Emma to thank for that. She was the only thing he'd set the world aside for, "I apologize for my rudeness." He addressed the queen, "How long ago did she leave?"

"We don't know." She responded calmly as she rubbed her swollen stomach, "Please, Killian. If there is anything you know, you must tell us."

"I'm afraid I don't know anything." He rubbed his chin, "I talked to her last night, and we were supposed to meet this morning, so whatever happened must have been after we all retired for the night."

"That's all you can tell us?" David roughly questioned, "How do you spend an entire year with my daughter and not know anything?"

"How do you raise a child and not know a damn thing about her?" The captain matched his energy once more.

"Charming, enough!" The queen scolded, "He has done nothing wrong, and he wants Emma back just as much as we do."

Killian nodded his head as a thank you, "Emma would always talk about using a mirror to view a person you wish to see." He pondered out loud, "She's done it many times to check on everyone here. Perhaps we could do the same to see exactly where she is."

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