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There were times when I didn't think about Karlene anymore, many times in fact, and this was one of the rare moments when she knocked and borrowed a part of my mind. Results of not seeing her for 4 months now...? There were some changes.

I grabbed the garbage bag in hand with me to take outside. Our bin was  below the porch and beside the stairs. The garbage men were already familiar of its position, so it was sitting there for 5 months, the dried grass beneath the plastic bin envied the lush grass it was surrounded with.

I pulled the lid up then flies came greeting me, they hovered above my face and wasted no time in throwing the garbage bag inside of it. I closed the lid, looked up and I was faced with shimmering neon lights, it flashed and flared and flickered through the cold night.

Our new neighbor was having a blast inside of their house. They said they from the Philippines, and said sorry beforehand for the noise we were going to hear this night because they  loved karaoke. It was actually nice having this much loud energy near me, it was giving me life and a more positive mind.

I sighed in relief when I dumped the last garbage bag in the bin, I was already heading for the door when a voice called out to me.

"Hello, neighbor!" A sweet lady called me over. I looked around to see where she was and found her standing beside our mailbox acting really polite.

"Oh, hi." I came back down again meeting with her.

"We brought you guys some cookies for Christmas. Happy Holidays!" She greeted loudly, at the same time having a bright smile drawn to her face.

See what I meant by the positive vibes? Yeah, they were really jolly.

"Thank you!" I had no choice but to return the mood back. I accepted the jar of cookies in her hand and thanked her some more.

Cookies huh? Now that's nostalgic. I remembered how I wished for the biscuits to return, and here they were at my grasps. It made me smile, and wished the person in my mind a Merry Christmas. Wherever she might be right now, I wish she got to where her heart wants to go to, and that she's happy, cause I'm happy now, thankfully.

I was learning how to slip away from my pasts and was ready to step a foot ahead. I need to, or else I'd be stuck there forever, it was time to be mature... Time's only counting forward, I thought.

I came running back to the porch, examining the cookie jar while I was at it and I noticed the name of it "K's delight."

A cookie to end Christmas, I wonder if Santa would come this late if I put it outside...

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