Chapter Fourteen

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I had been testing the DSLR camera since I got my hands on it. It's been hanging on my neck the whole night, and since then I had captured a bunch of pictures. Mostly of my family members passed out on the living room. I played a trick on Neil and Noah, I took a picture of their drunk faces on cam. It's a payback for the socks they gave me. I might print it on a pillow case on their birthday.

"Take a picture of me darling," grandma said. She modeled for me at the stairs, posing. Still got it, that's for sure.

"1, 2, 3, smile!" I clicked on the picture button.

I learned fast by the help of my photographer grandpa. He taught me the buttons and the parts of the camera, and also which angle I should aim at whenever I'm taking a picture.

I showed the pic of my grandma to grandpa and he said I have a lot more to improve. Never felt so proud of myself. He could be the biggest critic on the family, but I guess it's my special day that's why he's holding back on Gordon Ramsaying me...

The clock ticked to 9 o clock. It was time for my family members to go, they have a long way back to get home. We already planned another family reunion next summer, so that's a thing to look forward to.

All of them took turns to kiss my cheek before they headed to the door and left. They said they had fun, of course they did, our backyard looked like a fucking tornado partied with us.
I said thank you in return, waved them off as they drove off of their cars.

That was an exhausting night, but I don't want to end it yet. Don't want to, unless I see her. I'm really upset that I didn't get the chance to introduce Anne to my grandparents. I had been talking about it to her for months and how it would be so wholesome and meaningful to me if they did meet. I don't know, I think it's nice, even just for once to be truthful and not hide our relationship to others. I would like my grandparents to be a witness. But that wouldn't happen anytime soon, would it?

When we cleaned the backyard, and the kitchen, mom and dad went straight to their rooms so ready to sleep. They'd been awake earlier than they should be to prepare the food, have it all arranged and also the designs around the house. So here I am alone at the ground floor of the house, might or might not get carefree when no one's watching. I had second thoughts about getting that left over alcohol on the fridge and have some fun while waiting.

I said fuck it.

Grabbed a bottle opener and pop that cap off. I headed outside with 3 more bottles as I sat on the edge of the pavement, and made myself comfortable because I don't know how long I have to wait. I can't go upstairs to my room or the living room or the chair at the porch, I'll end up falling asleep. This night is too good to miss.

I said cheers to the cars who passed by me, while I chugged a bottle. It's bitter and cold, something I never had before, but I'm down to experience. The night breeze is not helping, with it blowing to me and my sleeveless dress couldn't put up a fight with it. I should've brought a jacket, too late.

I had my hopes up high and wished that each car that drove up to me kept Anne inside. But no luck because each of them drove pass me. The numbers written on my phone screen was not reversing but going forward and there was no stopping time. Speaking about my phone, why is it so dull? I haven't heard a single notification.

I chugged and chugged. Each time I sipped, the guilt of drinking was replaced by the recklessness I didn't know I had in me. By the time it hit 11, I finished all the drinks. Now I could barely see and notice the cars in front of me go by. Thank god I felt like twice my weight, I could get hit by a car if I'm not careful enough. My head felt like I just got off a rollercoaster ride and I felt like puking because of the after taste of the alcohol that lingered in my mouth.

What am I even doing outside? Oh right Anne...

I felt like I heard a last wave of an echo in my ear. But I couldn't make it up. I tried searching with my head but moving it worsen my headache. The sound then started becoming louder and louder, it was reaching my ear but not my mind.

I felt a hand on my head, it was petting me like a dog, messing my hair around, it felt nice. It tickled but it relieved my aching head.

"Hey! Are you listening? I said you look like you're on your third divorce!" The voice laughed. I sensed it go down to my face, my eyes said the person sat next to me. "No, forth actually."

I tilted my head. What is she saying?

"Having fun on your birthday, princess belle, hm?" She kept on speaking although I didn't understand.

I put my heavy hand on her shoulder to get her attention. I hate it when she keeps talking but I can't even follow up on her, it doesn't come off to me clearly. I leaned in close to her face to shush her with my hand. I placed it on top of her lips.

"Sjhhjsjjhh," I managed to say.

That shut her up for a couple of seconds before she busted out laughing for no reason at all. I hate this. I just leaned my head on her shoulder for support. If I stay my upper body straight up for a couple more seconds, it would make me collapse on the stone pavement, or worse, the road. I don't want to die yet.

"You have it bad huh?" Karlene said. When I squinted my eyes to try and look up to her, she became more real. My mind added and added more details. She had no make up on whatsoever, just a natural look and her clear skin face. An unnoticeable tiny bitsy mole waa sitting at the top of her lip. I couldn't have realized she has that, because I often see her from afar. From her own room, the classroom she worked at, and her car which I only get to see the side of her face. My drunk ass couldn't help but stare.

She's really pretty, and I must've already known from the first time I saw her.

I gulped. I have to stop leaning on her, she looks like she's too comfortable letting me do what the hell I want. I swear she's going to make fun of me tomorrow, she's probably making fun of me right now. I tried to lift my head up. My body felt much better after a few minutes of support. I straightened up, didn't notice my off shoulder has gone down to the top of my boobs. Fuck.

I quickly raised it. Shot Karlene a look and she was pretending to look at a tree, acted oblivious. Why didn't she tell me? I face palmed.

"Mrs. Edison has some nice plants..." She said.

I pinched her cheeks playfully to turn her face to mine. She groaned an ow.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I got distracted... I thought you were sleeping I didn't want to wake you up."

I rolled my eyes. Now she's worried of waking me up? How can she forget about those times she had voluntarily shaken me awake? Now I'm suddenly sober. I questioned Karlene more as she comes up with more defenses. Although it was important to note that she did lend me her shoulder for minutes. And I guess that makes up for it somehow, but then again how long has my dress been like that??

The alarm on my phone went off as it distracted us both. It was already midnight. I hadn't noticed it yet, but soon enough I'll realize, a special person in my life missed my birthday.

Curiosity (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora