Chapter Six

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I'm a bit thankful I didn't woke up to a "more polite" neighbor, but no notification from Anne this morning is sending me to a loop hole of panic. I'm anxious because something bad must've had happen to her and I won't know about it. What if she got hit by a car on her way to school? Or maybe even get kidnapped or worse... what if she's dead? No. No. No. Erase that. But still, nothing is going to calm me down until I know she's okay.

I spammed her with messages although I see her not active. I just want her to know that I'm still bothered by little stuffs like this. Like her not texting is never not okay. I don't want the time to come when us being silent about our day would be normal. There's already many miles of gap between us, it scares me how one day that gap would widen and widen and then who knows what!

I kept sighing on my way to our family's car. Today is Saturday and my eleven year old brother, Evan, asked me to drive him to his friend's house. He said he wanted to buy this rare spider specie he's been keeping an eye on for months.

"So that's why you asked me for money? To buy a darn spider?"

"Big sis, Sergei Dragunov isn't just a darn spider, okay? He's a part of the family now," He said with his high pitched voice.

"Sergei drug a what? I don't get it's name."

"His," Evan corrected.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, just give me the address,"

I should be doing something productive today, like homework or maybe doing a workout routine, and not being a driver for Evan. He gave me his phone which gives me the directions on where to go. It's a bit far from our house that's why Dad didn't allow him to go on bike. Evan almost lost hope of getting the darn spider he wanted for so long, so being the good sister that I am, I volunteered to get him there. Sometimes, it's just a pain hearing him talk about it all day. Blah blah blah spider blah blah spider, even when we're at the dining table it's always those goddamn spiders he talks about. Like what do you even do with spiders? You can't walk them. They don't bark at bad guys. And specially, they're most definitely not cute. They just eat, sleep and play dead.

"That's Tyrone's house! Park there." He grinned from ear to ear while unfastening his seatbelt.

Even before I turned off the engine he was already running off to his friend's front door and banging it loudly. Jesus Christ I hope their parents aren't home. I don't want to get accused of trespassing.

I sluggishly followed behind him with both hands buried deep on my jacket's pockets. It's a cold afternoon, and neither going out and not a single notice from Anne is doing justice to this. Once again I reached for my phone, but still nothing. I wonder what she's doing today.

The door opened wide and a boy greeted us. I think this is the Tyrone Evan is always referring to.
"You made it!" Tyrone said as he high-fived my brother. After that, Tyrone put his arm over my brother dragging him up stairs and into their their own little science world that I couldn't quite understand.

They couldn't just leave me like that, shit, what now?

"Hey are you the sister of my brother's friend, Evan I think?" A girl came down the stairs as she aimed a question at me.

I was about to go back to the car but she made me turn around. Thick curly hair, brown skin and narrow eyes. She's tall too she could be in a magazine cover.

"Yeah, I am," I nodded. "Sorry if we're bothering you guys I know it's pretty late." I scratched my head.

"No, no. Evan and my brother are the best of friends. And Tyrone barely gets close to anyone from school so you're both welcome in our house." She said with a feminine soft voice. "Do you want to come in our living room? Our parents aren't here yet so feel free to get comfortable in here."

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