Chapter Ten

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Mom and Dad are attending a party, a school batch exclusive. They said they might get home late and that I would be in charge of picking Evan up at his class. He is scheduled quite late today. I already finished my last class, and it's been half an hour since I started waiting outside their classroom door. Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for the kids inside, their classroom windows doesn't have a curtain. I get to peek at my little brother doing his math test. He's scratching his head in frustration. Dumb kid... Well I guess now I know it runs in our blood.

Their teacher saw me being creepy outside and he left the class to kick me out off the hallways. He said I was "distracting" the kids. A 5'10 lady standing behind their window with a disgust face, is just distracting? I was hoping to scare them so they'll screw up their tests. Then Evan would get the highest score because he's used to seeing me.

I stomped away from Evan's classroom and decided to just wait outside the elementary building. Outside there are benches and I sat in one of them while watching people pass and go. Some in a hurry, some walk in slow motion, and some are familiar...

A curly haired girl sat next to me. No need for introductions because I remember her. The tekken god! How could I forget?

"Waiting for your brother?" Chelsea asked.

"Yup." I responded. "They're taking a test right now so it looks like we'll have to wait longer."

I watch her sit beside me then she cleared her throat. "Great..." She bit her lip then seemingly look around then her eyes landed at the outdoor cafe inside the campus. "Say, wanna grab a drink? I-it's hot out here, I mean, you don't have to, b-but uh..."


"You're down?"

I nodded again. It's awkward sitting alone here anyway, and I don't have anything better to do but wait for my brother.

We moved to sit at one of the table of this stall selling milk teas with those slimy dark colored ball, I'm not sure what to call it, but it taste good with the milk tea. Chelsea ordered for the both of us since I'm not familiar with this stall's menu. They were fast with our orders, before I knew it we were sipping our drinks.

"My brother Tyrone he's... He's not doing so good." She said. "I always hear him crying on his room at night, he's lost a lot of weight too, a-and I just don't know what to do anymore."

"Why- What happened?" I asked confused. Last time I went to their house her brother looks okay. Or maybe not, I don't really know him that well.

"Our Dad hasn't come home for weeks, doing something... Even my mom doesn't know!" She shook her head then sighed. "And when he does come home, he's always drunk, then he'll fight with mom and it's starting to affect Tyrone. Sometimes, he just doesn't want to get out of his room. Doesn't want to eat, doesn't want to talk to me and mom..."

"I'm so sorry Chelsea." I caressed her back comforting her. We rarely encounter family problems, if we did, it's going to be something about financial problems. I don't know what I can do to make her feel better.

"Thanks... This is why I want to talk to you. I want to ask for your permission to borrow Evan for just a night."

"Borrow Evan...?" I tilted my head not really knowing what she means.

"Yes, this is all I could ever think of. My brother won't communicate with us, so I thought maybe his bestfriend could help him."

I have no problem giving away the rat for just a night. I'm sure he also wants to sleep over at his friend's house. He's a kid, every kids want sleep overs. My parents would not like the idea and maybe even prohibit him from going but no way am I going to make the rat suffer the same way I did way back when I was at his age. I have to sneak out at night. Did it in a hard way just to sleep over at my only friend's house.

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