Chapter Three

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Anne called last night, and I was still in day dream about what she told me. There was something about talking to your lover you couldn't explain. Like how there was butterflies in your stomach, this weird feeling in your chest, and how you just get lost in that little world only both of you know.

Since it was my 18th birthday in a couple of weeks, she was planning on visiting me. I couldn't wait any longer though, I already couldn't sleep last night just by thinking about it. To hold her in my arms again and hear her voice close and not just over the phone but right beside me.

All these sucked, being so far away from her.

"Where are we going again?" Yawned as I looked out the window, finally getting away from school.

"Honey, we've talked about this. We're going to the market to buy our neighbors some gifts," She said. We took a turn to the elementary department building to pick up my little brother ,Evan, this time. My god, he's coming too?

He climbed in the car as a bunch of boys bid him goodbye. I'm impressed by how many friends this boy could make in a span of two days. He could already be popular for all I know.

"Someone's already making friends," I raised a brow at him. "Just how?"

"My spider collection, I brought them to school." He said as he giggled weirdly.

"That's really disgusting," I rolled my eyes and he does the same. You know, sibling things.


We got home at 6:00 pm as a whole. After shopping we picked up dad from his work. Got a basket of fruits for the neighborhood. Mom said they'll love it and I thought it was boring. They will think we're like a normal Christian family. Which we are, but I want things a bit more spiceyyy~~

So I bought rainbows. Should I? I mean, like, I don't want them to think my only personalty is being gay, it could throw them off, but on the other side, I also want them to know that I am gay. But then again, why would I want them to know that? What am I expecting from that? Who cares if I'm gay or not? Yeah... Who cares if I'm gay or not...

So should I..? Not like they're gonna notice the rainbow handle on the mug anyway. They'll think nothing of it.

"Ellie please deliver this to Miss Miller next door," mom said as she packed the fruits and mug to give to our other neighbors.

"M-me? Uhh what the hell am I going to say?" I said with sweaty palms. I am not good at talking.

"Just give it and smile." She said nonchalantly and shrugged like it was that easy without sounding freaky. What do I know? I'm not a white mom.

This should be a piece of cake I'm hoping. I imagine Ms. Miller next door as an old lady who likes to bake. She has to be wholesome. I'll just give the gift, smile and nod that's all... gift, smile and nod. Right...

I left the house without closing the door thinking that I wouldn't take too long. Her house was beside ours and nearly close. You could take a meter stick or two and it'll reach her house. I knocked on her front door. The lit light bulb on her garage says she's probably home. I heard foot steps nearing the door and I listen patiently as she opens it for me.

Here it goes...

"Oh, well I didn't expect any visitors today," She said as she scrunched her soaked short brown hair with a towel. She's wearing a green silk robe and her chest were a bit exposed... But more importantly, that's my fucking teacher right there.

Can't seem to brush the thought away, I stuttered in saying my lines. "My mom she, uh, wanted to give this to you..." I handed her the basket with shaking hands. There's something really embarrassing about this and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe the fact that her eyes were daunting, and I find myself searching for an excuse to shift my gaze away from that.

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