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“What took you so long?” Jisung and Minho were sitting outside Hyunjin's room. They had slightly annoyed angry expressions on after seeing Seungmin and it made the boy a little nervous.

“I had something to do... Is Hyunjin okay?”

“Go see for yourself,” Jisung said, jerking his head the door's way.

Seungmin quietly walked in, finding Hyunjin asleep. He sat down next to the bed, watching Hyunjin's calm face for a while. He had bruises all over his arms and face, broken nose and a wound on his lips. He reached out his hand, stroking his cheek lightly.

“I was an idiot,” Seungmin started, tears already in his eyes. “I am so sorry I didn't believe you.”

He stayed silent for a while, fighting the tears that were threatening to fall.

“You know... After Soomin died, I thought I'd never find someone whom I love like I loved him... But...I found you. I think I got so attached to you, I was afraid that I'd lose you to Jeha... I got too jealous and I am sorry.” Seungmin held Hyunjin's hand and intertwined their fingers.

“It's my fault too,” Hyunjin spoke up and opened his eyes. He reached his hand out and wiped Seungmin's tears that had already found its way down his cheeks. “I didn't think about it from your perspective.”

Hyunjin sat down, so he was now in the same eye level as Seungmin.

The boy's cheeks flushed red from embarrassment, realizing Hyunjin had heard everything he's said before. But... maybe it was a good thing. He won't have to repeat himself.

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin. The boy had an expression he would pay to un-see. It was anger, worry and sadness, all at once and it made Seungmin feel a heavy guilt fall on his heart.

He didn't want Hyunjin to feel these emotions just because of his stupid jealousy.

Maybe, if he hadn't acted up, Hyunjin wouldn't have been stuck here.

“Do you feel alright?” Seungmin asked and more tears started to fall down on his legs, as he was now looking down.

“It's not your fault,” Hyunjin said as if he could hear Seungmin's thoughts. “It's just a few bruises... I am not dying.”

“But, you could have...You can hate me... I'll understand,” he whispered. The long breaths he was taking to calm himself down were shaky, as well as his voice.

“What? Kim Seungmin, look at me,” Hyunjin reached out his hands again, cupping the boy's face. His voice was so gentle, calm, it made shivers run through Seungmin's whole body.

“It's really hard to hate you, baby. Just the thought of hating you makes me sick.”

Seungmin's brain stopped for a second after hearing the pet name. The last time Hyunjin called him that could be maybe two days ago, yet it felt like ages.

Hyunjin's face got closer to Seungmin's. The boy blinked a few times and eyed the other boy's lips, like he was asking for an approval. Seungmin understood and nodded.

Hyunjin locked their lips.

Seungmin tasted so good, almost too good. His lips were very soft and smooth, it drove Hyunjin crazy. Both boys had closed their eyes, enjoying every second of this dream-like moment.

The kiss got more passionate, as Seungmin sat down on the bed next to Hyunjin, making it more comfortable for both of them.

They were still in the hospital and Hyunjin's head hurt like crazy, but he didn't care. Seungmin was everything he cared about at the moment.
He started to take off his t-shirt.

Seungmin grabbed his hand to stop his action.

“No, not now,” he whispered, their faces still close, so Hyunjin could feel every breath the boy breathed out.

“Why?” Hyunjin asked with visible disappointment in his voice.

“You still have a concussion and besides that, Minho and Jisung are waiting outside. They can come in at any moment,” Seungmin said and as if the boys outside could hear them, the door opened.

“Are you guys don-“ Jisung started, but froze after seeing the position the two boys were in. Seungmin was basically on top of Hyunjin, their faces close, messy hair.

It really did look like Jisung and Minho came in right before something inappropriate was about to happen.

“Okay, we'll leave and you can continue with whatever you were doing,” Minho said, grabbing Jisung's hand, pulling him out of the room.

“No!  We weren't doing anything, you can stay.” Seungmin got off Hyunjin, noticing the other boy had a smirk on his face.

Minho sat on the chair and Jisung sat on his lap, like he always did.

“Hey Seungmin... Jeha is waiting outside. He wants to talk to you,” Jisung said with a really weird expression on. “We will stay with Hyunjin, don't worry.”

Seungmin's heart jumped in anxiety. What does Jeha want from him?

He started heading to the door, before making a quick eye contact with Hyunjin, who also had worry plastered all over his face. Seungmin smiled to reassure him and left the room.


“Can we take a walk?” I hate hospitals,” was the first thing Jeha said when Seungmin walked out of Hyunjin's room.

He just nodded, not saying a word.
They were walking in silence for a long time and Seungmin was starting to get annoyed. He liked silence, more than other people's talking, of course except Hyunjin's rambling, but this silence was uncomfortable.

The weight was choking him, making him feel like he couldn't breathe.

“What did you want to tell me?” he asked with a purposely visible annoyance in his voice. Jeha looked at his feet, trying to find the right words to start with.

“I wanted to make sure you'll treat him right,” he spoke up, looking at Seungmin. It felt like the stare was piercing right through his soul.

“I don't think you're in the right position for that kind of statement,” Seungmin said.

Jeha chuckled.

“You're right...I only caused him pain...”

“What did you do?”

Jeha stopped walking, making Seungmin stay still as well.

“I-I cheated on him.”

Seungmin felt anger slowly rising up and he clenched his fists, but hasn't done anything, because of the look on Jeha's face. He wasn't crying, but his eyes were filled with sadness, regret and his lips were trembling, like he was trying his hardest to not break down in front of Seungmin.

“I knew I was doing a bad thing. I loved him, I was drunk... I didn't even fully remember what happened.”

“But, he forgave you.”

“He did... We became friends again... but then, I had to leave.”

Jeha looked right at Seungmin's eyes.
“Don't make the same mistake as I did. Love him as much as you can... He deserves it,” he smiled sadly.

I will, don't worry.”

Jeha's eyes started to water. “I think I understand why he chose you.”

Seungmin stayed silent, as he didn't know what to say.

“Say goodbye to him for me.”

Seungmin froze. “Wait, are you leaving?” he asked.

“Yeah, actually...I don't think I can handle being around him. I am going back to the USA.”



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