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“Hi, Jeha. You may take a seat next to Seungmin,” the teacher waved her hand in Seungmin's direction.

“Uh, actually miss, I'd like to sit next to Hyunjin. He is the only one I know in this school,” Jeha said with a kind smile.

“Yeah, alright. Jisung, you sit next to Seungmin then,” the teacher said, not looking up from her work.

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin. The boy had a giant smile on his face. The smile was there because of Jeha, not because of Seungmin. He clenched his fists as Jeha made his way on Jisung's old seat and instantly started a conversation with Hyunjin.

“You okay?” Jisung grabbed Seungmin's fist and squeezed his hand in it, so they were holding hands with intertwined fingers. Jisung looked the way Seungmin was glaring, founding out it was the new boy who was getting a little too touchy with Hyunjin.

Jisung smirked. He took his pen and wrote something on a piece of paper, before passing it to Seungmin.

Jealous much?” it said.

The bell rang. Seungmin stood up and left the classroom, not saying a word.

“Where's he going?” Hyunjin turned to Jisung, but the boy just shrugged his shoulders.

Hyunjin found Seungmin on a rooftop.

The boy was standing at the very edge, looking into the distance. From the building, you could see the whole city – high buildings and companies.

“I was looking for you everywhere. Did something happen?” Hyunjin stood next to Seungmin. The expression on the boy's face had “I am not okay,” plastered all over. Hyunjin read him like an open book.

“I didn't feel good. I needed to get some fresh air,” Seungmin said, looking into the distance.

“Again? Are you sick? Do you want to go back to home?” Hyunjin asked with concern in his voice and grabbed Seungmin's hand gently, like he was holding a ceramic doll.

Do you like Jeha?” Seungmin asked by whisper. To be honest, he was really ashamed of asking that question. He didn't want to seem desperate or make Hyunjin embarrassed.

Hyunjin then realized. It was the way Seungmin's whole body was tense. He was really trying to contain his emotions. But then, a first tear fell out of Seungmin's eye.

“He is just my friend. Why are you crying? There's nothing to cry about baby,” Hyunjin took out a tissue from his pocket, turning Seungmin's face his way and drying the boy's wet cheeks.


Hyunjin sighed sadly. “You're my little cry-baby. C'mon, let's eat. Minsung are waiting for us,” he said, and grabbed Seungmin's hand, holding it tightly.

When they came to cafeteria, they saw Jeha talk with Jisung and Minho, sitting on their usual place.

Seungmin clenched his jaw. He was really fighting the urge to punch Jeha's smile away. Hyunjin sat on chair that was opposite of Jeha and patted the chair next to him, gesturing Seungmin to sit there.

Jeha looked offended, but hid it, putting on a smile again as if he turned a switch.

“There's a public party today. Any of you want to go?” Jeha asked and eyed everyone. Seungmin froze as he was about to drink his water.

“Yeah, why not?” Hyunjin agreed, in contrast with everyone else who just shook their heads.

“It's just me and Hyunjin then,” Jeha smiled, obviously pleased.

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