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Seungmin woke up earlier than Hyunjin. The sun was just starting to rise – bits of light were escaping through the shut blinds, shining right into Seungmin's face as he sat up in his bed.

Rubbing his eyes, he looked over to the new kid's bed. Hyunjin was facing him, still sleeping, having his hair messily scattered on the pillow. But, his face...it was so...handsome? Seungmin shook his head and got up.

He took a quick shower and then made his way to the dorms' kitchen which was still vacant so early in the morning, deciding to make some breakfast. He grabbed two eggs and was about to take out a pan, when he realized. He isn't alone anymore. So, he went back to the fridge and took four eggs.

When he was done, more and more people were coming into the kitchen. He served his made eggs into two bowls and looked at the clock. It was getting pretty late. So, he grabbed the bowls and headed back to his bedroom.

Hyunjin was still asleep. He was in a different position, but was still in a pretty deep sleep. He didn't wake up even when Seungmin entered, making a lot of noise with the door.

Seungmin placed one bowl on his bedside table and still holding the other, he approached Hyunjin's bed. He poked his roommate's cheek, praying it would wake the other up. And it did.

Hyunjin frowned and opened his eyes. He looked up and after seeing Seungmin, he smiled.

“Good morning,” he said with a hoarse, morning voice. Seungmin felt like he couldn't speak for a second, but he fake-coughed and handed Hyunjin the bowl, while facing the other way.

“I made you breakfast,” he whispered and blushed, quickly walking away to eat his own bowl.

Hyunjin smiled even wider and ate his food silently, looking at Seungmin the whole time. The boy sat in a way he wouldn't have to look at Hyunjin, but he could feel his stare piercing right through his soul.

After finishing the food, Hyunjin disappeared in the bathroom.

It was already late and Seungmin was fully dressed, having his school bag on his back already as he sat on his bed, waiting for Hyunjin to come out of the shower. He would go alone, because his attendance was perfect and he didn't want it to be ruined because of such a stupid reason...but, he was blaming himself, since he should have woken Hyunjin up sooner. So, he continued to wait, anxiety growing stronger by each second.

They had to run to school. Hyunjin thanked Seungmin for waiting for him the whole time as they sped through the corridors and Seungmin had to fight all his urges that wanted to smash Hyunjin's head against the nearest wall.

“See you soon, Seungminie!” Hyunjin exclaimed when they had to split the ways, but all Seungmin did was give him a quick wave, before he disappeared in his first class.


You're his roommate!?” Jisung and Minho screamed at the same time, causing for some people to look at them in annoyance.

“Keep your voice down. The whole cafeteria doesn't need to know,” Hyunjin shushed them and started to eat his chocolate pudding, continuing to speak with his mouth full. “It just sort of happened. I don't even know why I wanted to room with him so bad.”

“You're absolutely a lost cause,” Minho commented. “I bet he will kick you out in just few days. I would bet on that with all I have.”

Jisung chuckled. “Pay up, then. I have some faith in Hyunjin. Maybe, he will melt Seungmin's cold heart and surprise us.”

“What is he, a Disney prince?” Minho asked. “What do you even see in him? All he does is just look at his phone.”

Hyunjin pouted as he thought for a while. Seungmin's face appeared in his mind and his mouth quickly curled into a small smile. He pictured Seungmin's messy dark hair and the way his eyes widen out of nowhere whenever Hyunjin does any brave gesture towards him.

“Oh my god, look at him. He is so whipped,” he was brought to reality when Minho spoke up again. He looked at his two new friends to see them about to burst in laughter.

“You literally just met him and you're already head over heels,” Jisung said.

“Who knows...maybe it was love at first sight?” Minho joined Jisung and the two then laughed together.

Hyunjin gave them a disgusted expression. “Talk about yourselves first. You look like a married couple.”

The two started to protest, but Hyunjin already ignored them, looking around the cafeteria when he spotted Seungmin entering the crowded room.

He looked really desperate, almost scared, and Hyunjin didn't blame him. All those people around were suffocating him as well and he liked to be around people.

“Hey Seungmin, come sit here!” Hyunjin screamed and waved his hands, so the other could notice him easily.

Seungmin saw him almost immediately and the two made eye-contact. He was about to start walking over to him, when he noticed that Hyunjin wasn't alone. He already felt the stress building up in his chest.

It's okay,” Hyunjin mouthed, smiling reassuringly.

Seungmin sighed and approached the three boys, sitting next to Hyunjin, greeting them all with a quiet “Hi”.

“Are you hungry?” Hyunjin asked Seungmin, holding a spoon full of rice near Seungmin's mouth. The boy nodded shyly, so Hyunjin put the spoon closer, stuffing it inside Seungmin's mouth.

Jisung and Minho just stared at them in pure disbelief. The last person that interacted with Seungmin like this and hasn't been completely dismissed was his boyfriend Soomin.

Seungmin felt very uncomfortable under Jisung and Minho's gazes that seem to pierce him with judgement. He played with his fingers shyly, looking at his feet to avoid the eye contact.

Hyunjin noticed very quickly and kicked Jisung's leg under the table. The other boy yelped and stopped staring, instead focusing on eating his food, gesturing Minho to do the same.

“So, I heard you two are roommates now right?” Minho asked Seungmin with mouth full of salad. Seungmin only nodded, not saying a word.

“What are your first thoughts about Hyunjin?” Jisung smiled warmly, trying to make Seungmin feel comfortable. “He is super annoying right? I can't even imagine having to live with him.”

He is nice,” Seungmin muttered and looked at Hyunjin, catching the younger boy staring at him. His cheeks flushed red, as well as Hyunjin's, because he got caught.

Jisung and Minho exchanged knowing looks.

“Okay, love birds, let's go. We have math class soon.” Minho stood up, smirking as Seungmin hid his face in embarrassment after hearing the words “love birds”.


Thank you for the support in previous chapter ❤ I love you ❤❤

- Sani

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