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“Tell me about Soomin,” Hyunjin suddenly spoke up.

Seungmin, who was peeling an apple until now, froze. He looked over to Hyunjin, sighing.

“Why?” he whispered. Hyunjin knew he hit the most sensitive spot by asking about Soomin. It has been weeks since he found out from Jisung and Minho. But, he needed to know.

“I want to help you, Seungmin. You seem happier these days, but I can feel, you're still not okay,” Hyunjin stood up from the bed and walked over to Seungmin, who was sitting behind the table. He crouched in front of the boy and held his hand.

“I need to know to help you, baby,” Hyunjin whispered, looking right into Seungmin's eyes that were full of fear and sadness.

“I... I can't,” Seungmin's voice was shaking, his hands as well.

“Seungmin, it's okay. I don't want to force you, but you'll feel better after letting it out, I promise. Maybe you don't understand, but you have me now and I am not going anywhere. I care about you too much... Please, tell me.”

Seungmin's eyes started to water and he took a deep breath.

“Soomin...he was my boyfriend. We've been together for two years, but I've known him since I can remember. He... he had problems with his father,” Seungmin stopped.

“What kind of problems?”

“His father was really abusive. He got drunk a lot. He'd come home late at night and beat Soomin up. He was really depressed because of it. Fuck...It's all my fault.”

Tears started to roll down Seungmin's cheeks. He frowned and looked at Hyunjin, who had worry plastered all over his face.

“I am sure it's not your fault, Min.”

“It is. I should have helped him. I knew his father's abusive, I knew he was depressed, yet I didn't do anything!”

“You were by his side, you loved him. I don't think you could have done anything more,” Hyunjin sat on the table, so he could see Seungmin's face better.

“He killed himself. I found him,” the older boy whispered, as he didn't trust his voice now. “He sent me a message that said his father had passed away. I wasn't happy, but kind of relieved. 'He can't hurt him now,' I thought. But, then I got another message saying he is sorry for what he's about to do. I understood what he meant. I ran to his place immediately, but it was too late. I won't ever get that image out of my head.”

Hyunjin sighed; he pulled Seungmin up and hugged him.

Seungmin started sobbing loudly, as he gripped onto Hyunjin's shirt.

“Seungmin, you're so brave. But you're here, you made it. Soomin would be so proud of you, I am proud of you. Because you opened up to me.”

Hyunjin stroked Seungmin's back. Their foreheads were touching, but their eyes were closed. “You couldn't have done anything more.”

“I got over him a long time ago. I still love him, a lot, but I think I can finally move on,” Seungmin whispered. “It's just that guilt...”

Hyunjin opened his eyes and wiped the tears off of Seungmin's cheeks.

“You deserve a big ass ice cream,” the younger boy smiled and ruffled the other's already messy hair.

Seungmin laughed while sniffling. His nose was red and he rubbed his eyes to get rid of any more tears. “The hell I do. You're paying.”


“Why do I always pay?” Hyunjin frowned, as he was handing the money to the cashier. Seungmin was just standing next to him, licking his ice cream happily, with innocent puppy eyes on.

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