6. Betrayal

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Adhya Mehra

I woke up refreshed today, got ready wearing a floral dress and was heading out for breakfast. I had my schedule for today sent by Dada, I had to go with the players to practice, observe them and come back. So I'll be traveling with them.

As I came out of my room, even kothi came out of his room. And we both saw eachother, turned our head towards opposite direction. I just went from there and headed towards the hall.

Ugh! I hate that kothi!

As I reached the hall, almost everyone were already present. And to my luck,
yesterday's 2 tables were joined to make one huge one. I greeted them and sat down. I sat between Dev and Ishu.

After the breakfast, we left for practice. And it was my first day.

We are now going back to the hotel, I had fun today. I spoke to them, observed how they are while practicing, made few sketches. So over all my first was nice and a bit busy than I thought it would be. Though it's obvious that I made sure I avoid few people.

I freshened up and I'm going for dinner. I reach and I see it's the same arrangement as morning. So went and sat in same place. Ishu to my left, Dev to my right. But unfortunately Rishabh is sitting opposite to me with Shreyas and Prithvi on either side of him.

"Hey Ishu" I said.

"Hey Adi!" Ishu said

"Hey machha" said Dev but I ignored him and continued speaking with Ishu.

"You know, Ishi and Mayu called" said Dev. Now this caught my attention.
I turned towards him with a questioning look.

"They called me as you were not picking up their call." Ohh

Well, they are my besties. Ishani khanna and Myra Sehgal. Our parents were besties so we automatically became besties. I know them from, idk manyyyy years. We all are from Bangalore.

Ishani, or as I call Ishi, she owns a clothing brand here in mumbai called 'Ishq' . well the secret is I'm the designer  and she handles the business part. so we co-own it.
Myra, or Mayu, she is a psychologist in bangalore. She stays there only. Ishi has to handle the business so she stays in Mumbai. And me, well most of the time in Bangalore but I sometimes visit Mumbai to check the production and the work progress of my designs.

We started that business while in college only with the little help of our parents,but now we are on our own. It was a great achievement for us to start the business at the young age of 20. I'll turn 23 this year in May.
'Ishq' is a famous clothing brand. It has reached heights in very few years. Thanks to my designing team and Ishi's business team. We work really hard.  Everyone is eager to know the young designer  but I'm not ready to reveal myself. So it's a secret.

"So what did you tell them?" I asked him.

"I told that you were busy so you couldn't call them and I will remind you afterwards to call" he said

"Okay, I will call them after dinner."

Now, I'll be dead, I had to call them and my mom but I forgot! I hadn't told them about my wedding and all. I had been avoiding them. They are my mom's chamchis so if they know, they'll for sure tell my mom. But I want to tell her myself not anyone else.

My thoughts were interrupted by ringing of Dev's phone.

"See, they are calling me again. Where is your mobile?" He asked

"Charging. Now don't pick it up, I'll call them later."

"Nope! I will pick it up! And I'll tell them that you're not speaking properly with me!" He said in a fake angry tone.

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