Chapter 14 The Blue Cave

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I didn't let go out of his hand. If we were both going to drown, I would rather drown with him. I tried to pull ourselves up. I could already start to feel the salty water getting inside my lungs but I tried to fight it back. We finally got t the top. I had never felt how awesome it felt to have air in your lungs. I looked at Aiden. He was also trying to breath, coughing water out.

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

He coughed a little bit more."Y-yeah, I'm fine." he said. 

"Come on let's go inside that little cave." I said since it was the closest place to shelter. I really had no idea where we were but at least we were together and that was all that matters.You know as I was swimming with Aiden to shore, I've realize that my life is already in danger and probably if I go back, his mother is going to wait there for me. It took me about 10 minutes to get to the cave. We stepped on some rocks and started to make our way up. The cave was beautiful. There was blue gems all around us. We laid down in the grown and we've realized that the cave had a hole at the top and that's when we were able to see the stars, well I was. I was laying on Aiden's chest. I looked up and started to touch his soft face. His cherry lips waiting to be touched by mine. I started to kiss him softly without stopping. He was on top of me and I knew this was it but I was ready. I couldn't be more happy than to share this love with the only person that I have ever loved in this world, him.I started to unbutton his shirt.He stopped and pulled me away.

"Laila, I don't think-" he said but I cut him off.

"Aiden, I know what I am getting myself into. Your love is my turning page and every kiss is a curse divine and every touch is a redefine frame. I surrender who I've been for who you are, nothing makes me more stronger than your fragile heart, if I had only felt how it feels to be yours, well I've would  of known , that I've been leaving far alone......" I whispered. He looked at me for a long moment and laid back down. He laughed a little. I stood up to look at him. 

"May I ask what are you laughing at?" I asked.

"You are so irresistible." he said as he grabbed my head and started to kiss me passionately. I went on top of him and he pulled ourselves up. I grabbed his hair and started to play with it while I was kissing him. I pulled away.

"So you say I'm irresistible.' I said biting my lip. He laughed.

"Yes.......and very stubborn." he said as he smashed his soft lips against mine. 

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