Chapter 10 The Message of Hope

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It started to rain and I was still outside waiting for him but he never came out. I was getting really wet but I didn't care. He had to come out, at least at one point he had to.I wasn't going to give up on him. I wouldn't give up on this love that I had for him. How could I? A world without him would be a world without light. I heard someone coming out of the door. It was his father. He saw that I was waiting there. He had a blanket and wrapped it around me. 

"Laila, you have to get home or you'll get sick, you barely came back from your surgery, this is not healthy for you, come on, I'l  drive you home." said his father.  I looked at him as I was still laying down in the ground. He stared deep into my eye's and so did I.

"Aiden......I need to see him." I whispered. He looked down and then looked back at me.

"We have to get you home Laila, please." he said as he helped me get up. I was never going to see him again. His mother has no longer going to approve of my visits. I went inside Dr. Culcartni's car and he turned on the heater but I was still cold. His father wasn't going to tell me anything. I was sure of that. I couldn't hold but to let the tears come strolling down my cheeks. It was devastating. I noticed that Dr. Culcartni stopped the car. I looked up and realized that we arrived at my house.

"Laila, I know my son love you, and no matter what happens, he will always love you, he just wanted you to have your wish come true. Before you leave. I want to tell you why I wasn't the one to do you the surgery. The night Aiden went to go stay at you house, which by the way I knew but it's okay, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I was once a teenager too. But that night, I started to research more about you case and I figured out that the surgery wouldn't do  you any better. Aiden found out that night by going through my computer. I didn't know what to you the day of your surgery. But there was an option of someone giving you a eye's cornea transplant. I couldn't find any candidates that would want to do that until my son decided to give you his. I obviously as a father, could not take away my child's vision. I just couldn' hurt me but I knew deep down in his eye's that he truly loves you. I seriously have never seen him so sure of his decision. True love Laila. But you don't worry, true love always find its way no matter the obstacles. You should go inside. Here, take the umbrella, you'll need it. Goodbye Laila." said Dr. Culcartni. I grabbed the umbrella. I open the door and took another glance at him.

"Thank you." I said and closed the door and that was the last time I ever saw Dr. Culcartni. My mother open the door and pulled me into a hug. My Dad wrapped a blanket around me.

"Come on baby, let's get you inside." said my dad. 


I didn't sleep that night. All I could think about is Aiden. When will I ever see him again. I am not quite sure of that but their is something that I do know is true.

"But you don't worry, true love always find its way no matter the obstacles."

His father's words would just replay my head over and over again. Nothing in this world was more true that the love Aiden has for me. I could still feel his warmth. His heartbeat that accelerates faster and faster as he gets close to me. And then my heartbeat and his combine into one. One soul, One love. Beautiful isn't it? You know I thought I was never going to find someone that would actually care about me so much that he would rather not be able to see and give me his eye's. Aiden.....


I looked at the clock and it was already 12:00am. Who could be sending a message around this time. I grabbed my phone and open the message.


"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."  — Helen Keller 

I  knew from the moment I met you how special you are and how beautiful you are. I don't need my eye's I want you to the world around you. To love it, to embrace it. I love you Laila. Forever and always. If I never you, I would live my whole life through lost forever if I never knew you.


Your Boyfriend Aiden.

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