Chapter 3 Value

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" You are going on a date with who?" ask my dad.

"She is going on a date with Dr. Culcartni's son.' answered my mom. We were all inside my room and I was thinking of what to wear. I open my closet and started to pick out random outfits.

"Honey what are you doing?" asked my mom.  I think the questions will never end.

"Yeah what are you doing?" asked my dad. Yup, the questions were definitely not going to end.

"" I answered. I grabbed a very simple outfit well....I supposed it was simple. I'm that type of girl who is herself and really wants to know if the guy likes her or at least is interested in her personality rather than the way she looks.That is what we are about to find out tonight. The door bell rang and I knew it was time. I felt like my heart skipped a beat.

"I'll go open the door." said my dad as he walked out of my room.

"Mom, go, I don't want Aiden to feel uncomfortable." I said to my mom.

"Oh right." she said and with that, she walked out too. I took a deep breath and thought about how for the first time in my life, I wasn't going to be in my house. I was going on a date with a boy. A boy I barely knew. But there is something about him that just........makes me feel so valuable. I still don't understand why he would want to spend his friday night with me if he could spend it with a girl who could actually see. I mean I'm pretty sure he has friends that are girls but me? I was making my way to the living room when I heard my parents conversation with Aiden. I stopped and waited a little.

"Aiden.....we just want you to know that our daughter's feelings are really important to us and we don't want her to get hurt." said my dad.

"Yes sir, I clearly understand and don't worry, my intentions with you daughter are good. I promise you I would never hurt her." said Aiden. That's when I decided to causally walk in.

"Let's go?" I asked. 

"Y-you look beautiful as always.' complimented Aiden. I half smiled.

"I try." I said in a low voice that only Aiden could here. I could feel my hot cheeks turning red. Aiden placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I'll bring her back at 10:00." he said and with that, we started of our date. We got inside the car. H e turned on his car and the radio started to play. It was the song from Pocahontas If  I Never Knew You by Jon Secada and Shanice. 

"I love this song." said Aiden as he raised the volume a little bit higher but not that much so we could still speak. 

"You do? Me too, Pocahontas has always been one of my favorite disney princesses. She is only character that I wish was real because this world really needs people like her. People who value things in every way as possible." I said. 

" right. Pocahontas is very kind to nature and also very beautiful. Well, we have arrived to our destination.' he said as he turned off the car and quckly came to help me get out and put my hand on his elbow. I could smell the ocean.

"Are we.....are we at the beach?" I said. 

"Yes indeed were are." he said as he took out something from his trunk. We were going to have a picnic at the beach. 

"I hope you like sandwiches because you can clearly understand that I am a beginner at cooking." he teased. I laughed. We ate and talked about life general until he asked me a question that left me thinking.

"Laila, I know that you are not able to actually see the way I look but would you fall inlove with someone even though you don't really know how they look in the outside?" he asked. The wind was blowing in my face.

"I may not be able to see you visually but I can clearly listen with my heart and I know that you are an incredible guy. Looks to me don't matter whatsoever. What matters to me is what's inside because in reality that's what true love really is about right? Listen with your heart and you'll understand." I sad answering his question. The wind was still blowing and felt like it was dancing around us. I felt Aiden coming closer to me. He grabbed my head and pulled me closer to him until finally our lips touched. I closed my eye's are butterflies were shooting out like fireworks. I couldn't explain how good and beautiful it felt to kiss someone. Aiden pulled away and grabbed my hand. He pressed his lips against my hand.

"Do you want to take a walk around the beach?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said  as he stood up and helped me get up. We walked around the beach as I felt the sand in my toes. Aiden stopped and do did I.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He took a deep breath.

"You are incredibly amazing and I would like to spend the rest of my days getting to know you, Laila, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. I smiled.

"Yeah." I whispered. Aiden spun me around and kissed me as waves we passing by.

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