Chapter 11 The Wind

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He texted me? He texted me! 

"Oh my God." I whispered. He..........he still loves me. Tears of joy started rolling down my cheeks. I quickly texted him back but then I thought......he can't see my messages. I need to see him again. I wanted for him to send me another message but I didn't get anything. Could they have taken away his phone? No.......please no. I need to know how he is. This is like living in hell without being able to know anything about him/ It kills me that his mother won;t accept me and now she won't even accept me at all. Maybe it's because I have never been a mother and I don't really know how it feels to have you child blind but I know my parents understand how that feels. But it just break my heart apart that I can't be able to see him. You know what, who cares, I will still text him to let him know that I will always be waiting here for him and nobody in this world will take away his place.I grabbed my phone and started to text him.


Aiden....I love you.

I placed my phone in the table and waited but their was no respond. I can't take it anymore. I need to go outside. I went outside and put on a jacket. I layed down in the grass and looked at the stars. I sighed. I really didn't know what time it was but I really didn't care. Time for me ment nothing. I cried a little and then went back inside and sat down in my bed. I looked at my phone if someone had texted me but nothing, I lay down in my poofy pillow and said to myself.

"Laila, don't worry, tomorrow, it will be another day." I said and with that I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke with the sun rise in my face. My stomach started to growl loudly. 

"Yes...yes...I know, you are definitely hungry." I said as I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I started to hear a familiar voice but I got close to the kitchen, I knew who it was.

"And I told Gerald, I have to go see my grand daughter and ah! Laila!" said my grandmother Willow as she stood up and gave me a hug. She was much smaller compared to me. She was about 4'8 and I was 5'6. Don't ask how I grew taller than my grandma. By the Age 7, I was already her height.

"I've missed you grandmother Willow." I said as she kept on hugging me. She pulled away and looked at me.

"Look how much you have grown! Seriously, what do you feed this child?"n said my Grandma while looking at my parents. I forgot to mention that she was my father's mother.  Well, for the rest of the day, it was pretty busy. My grandma wanted to take me out shopping since I was her youngest grandchild. I personally like the mall but sometimes......I get pretty tired since I didn't have enough sleep yesterday. But my grandmother's visit kept me pretty occupied that I forgot to even check my phone in case Aiden had texted me. After dinner I had a chance to sneak inside my room and check my phone which was a great. Finally. Mission accomplished. I was so nervous to check my phone but I finally had the guts to turn it on but there was nothing. No news feed. My heart dropped. 

"This is bullshit!" I yelled as I threw my phone in the bed. I placed both of my hands in my head as I felt a rush of anger inside of me. Why me? Why?  That night, I couldn't go to sleep. Every memory that I had with Aiden replayed over and over my head. Why is it that such a beautiful memory and leave you with hole inside your chest if it's a beautiful. The memory is significant and yet you feel this pain, this agony that just makes you drown in this ocean of tears. I've come to realized that I have lost myself. I've been looking for acceptance in this world and at first I really didn't care but somehow I ended up caring about if people liked me or not. 

"Why don't you let me be happy?" I whispered inside my dark room. I wanted to scream to let out every pain inside my veins felt but I just couldn't. My eyes noticed a star glittering in dark blue night. I looked at it for a moment. I grabbed a sweater and went outside. I cried while looking at that star, it reminded me so much of Aiden. My beautiful Angel, my best friend.

"Laila? Is that you?" asked my grandmother Willow. I turned around and I saw my grandma in her long white pj dress.

"Yeah, that's me." I said as I whipped away my tears. 

"Oh my little Laila, what's wrong? Is it Aiden you are worried about?" she asked. Wait, how did my grandma knew about Aiden?

"Grandmother do you know about Aiden?" I asked She half smiled at me.

"Your father told me about him and what he did. That was an act of true love that he demonstrated to the world. I know you must be feeling hurt and frustrated about how life has been treating you unfairly but listen.' said my small grandmother as she placed her hand in my heart. I started to hear music like if the wind was playing it. I closed my eyes as I felt the colors of the wind swirling around. My grandmother started to sing in a low voice.

"Listen with your heart
You will understand

Let it break upon you 
Like a wave upon the sand 

Listen with your heart 
You will understand."

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