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The entrance was met with a knife being thrown at the wall next to him.

"Leave Jeongin."

In a flash, the bodyguard was gone. Jungkook strutted over to Jin's desk and sat casually at the seat in front.

"You piece of dumb shit. Have I taught you nothing about being undercover?!" Jin shouted angrily.

This didn't faze Jungkook. "Yeah, but it wasn't really my fault. This last doll of mine knew Taehyung and his stupid sister, and got me put away."

Jin sighed angrily. "Look, point is that you're dumb, and if you want to prove yourself again as someone who can carry out my work, you're going to have to start at the bottom."

Jungkook scoffed. "I've been deprived of fun for two years. Why did you leave me there for so long?!"

"To fucking teach you something." Jin said and pulled out a card from his desk.

"You wanna be useful? Carry out a mission for me."

Jungkook read the address. "Midnight Strip Club?"

"My premier night club. It's run by Yoongi. I gave him a new worker who he's not fond of. If you can take his heart and not be arrested, I'll trust you again."


Jungkook walked into the nightclub where his new target worked. A target named Park Jimin.

"Jungkook!" Yoongi shouted from a private booth. The younger walked over to see Yoongi with his target on his lap.

"This your new worker?" Jungkook asked and took a seat. Yoongi smirked and gave the target a smack on the behind.

"Yep. Baby J. My new dancer. Though, he's good for more than dancing to me. Get to know him. I gotta count my money." Yoongi gave him a wink before walking away.

Jungkook took the boy's hand ready to work his magic when he made the mistake of looking into Baby J's eyes.

Shaking his head, he didn't know what came over him.

This adorable dancer was supposed to be part of his immortalized doll collection. Not someone who makes him feel other things.

"Hey." He whispered.

The young boy blushed. "Hi..." He whispered.

"What's a handsome boy like you doing working as a stripper?" Jungkook said and wrapped his arms around Jimin.

"I took out a loan from the owner to pay for an apartment. To pay him back, I was told to work here."

The voice.

It was soft yet smooth. It was actually beautiful.

Jungkook didn't feel this way around other targets. But what was he saying?? He needed to be on his brother's good side. He needed a rush. He needed this boy's heart.

Jungkook started to chat with this Jimin. It was supposed to help him lure the target.

Or was the target luring him instead?...

"What is this feeling?"

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