"this okay with you?" i asked, because i didn't wanna do anything without her constant.

"yeah it's fine, don't worry about it." she smiled up at me and we started waking towards the entrance, on the way there, i saw courtney's car and smiled to myself, perfect. she was already here, which made the plan even easier, i made sure to make a statement when we walked into the building.

"oh my god baby! you're so funny!" i said to her, fake laughing. she soon caught on and started laughing with me. i looked away from her and saw that courtney, shayne and kimmy were sitting by the entrance. shayne and kimmy were deep in conversation while courtney was on her phone. when i spoke up, they all looked at us. however, my main focus was on courtney. her eyes narrowed at us in confusion, but she didn't speak up.

"woahh, this is new. what happened to sam...?" shayne asked, confused as to why we were acting like this.

"we got in a huge fight, and y/n here comforted me after it when i told her," she smiled up at me and she put her arm around my waist, "and the. she confessed to me and here we are!" i shyly smiled and she kissed me on the cheek then rested her head on my shoulder, which was completely unexpected. i went bright red but tried to hide it. kimmy noticed and grinned widely.

"aww, y/n's blushing! isn't that cute!" she fangirled slightly and hid the bottom half of her face with her fists.

"yeah, super cute." i heard courtney speak up. it sounded like she said it through gritted teeth, so i turned my head to look at her and she still had her eyes narrowed, but this time in...jealousy? thank god, the plan's working.

"you alright courtney?" i asked her, i was going to have so much fun with this. not gonna lie, she's kinda hot when she's jealous.

"yep, all good." she said and smiled at me with a fake smile. it was either fake or sarcastic, anyway. she then got up and walked off into a random direction.

"i'm sure she's okay with it guys, it's probably weird for two of her best friends to be dating, don't worry about it." shayne smiled reassuringly. oh, if only he knew. i tried my hardest to keep a smirk off my face.

"it's fine, we understand, don't we honey?" she looked up at me and i nodded, "we had better get going anyway, we need to get ready for the shoot today. we'll see you guys later!" she removed her arm from my waist and held her hand out, which gave me the indication to take my arm away from her shoulder and hold her hand. we waved at them and she took me into a random room which wasn't really used that often,

we shut the door behind us and turned the lights on, then sat on the chairs.

"good acting, i can see why they hired you." she complimented me.

"thanks, you too." i smiled at her and leant on my arm.

"did you see courtney walk off, i think the plan's working." i nodded.

"i mean, yeah, but i'm a little worried, do you think she's okay?"

"she normally does that when she gets too agitated or annoyed and goes away to cool down, she never does anything bad so she should be okay."

i sighed. was this really worth it? i guess there's no backing out now, but i don't want to hurt her. i'll just have to see what happens, if it gets too bad then i'll have to stop it.

"okay, do you wanna just stay in here and chat for a while until the shoot?"

"sure, we don't really have anything else to do." she agreed.

so that's what we did, we just talked for about 10 minutes before we decided to go to the shoot room. it's best to get there a little bit earlier so it's easier for the people behind the camera to set everything up and give us things like mics and shit.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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