I grip my gun firmly, pressing down on the trigger. I compress the recoil as the bullet flies through the guy's head, blood scattering on the man beside him.

As the body drops, I see a familiar figure behind the second man. And quickly realize from the tattooed neck that it's Slasher. My shoulders loosen a notch. A smirk appears on my face. He's annoying as shit, but I wouldn't want him dead. Any of them. 

Slasher has his hand around the guy, with a blade pressed against his neck.

Then did his signature move.

He quickly slashed him across the neck. Blood oozed down his chest and then dropped lifelessly to the floor. I stand up and so does Caleb to go rejoin Slasher. My heart pounds as I see he's the only one to enter the room.

"Where is she?" I demand. "Where's Oakley?"

Before he could answer, Axel, comes around the corner, "Not even a where's Axel?" He says fake hurting. I huff in annoyance.

His face flattens out, pushing his dark hair back, "Relax, she's right behind me."

Oakley walks around the corner like a fucking natural to this shit. I wouldn't settle for less.

She pauses and looks at me then at the bodies on the floor then back at me, "Sucks to be them."

I smile, walking up to her and hold on to the back of her head. I planting a quick kiss on her lips, not caring that the guys were watching.

"I want you with me at all times, got that?" I say, rubbing her cheekbone with my thumb.

She looks up and smiled, "Got it, Capo."

"Don't call me that." The title leaving her mouth ticks me off for some reason.

"Okay, Boss." She says instead, I glare at her and the smirk on her face, knowing she's doing it to tick me off. 

Caleb groans, "Just call him daddy, for fuck sake, I'm sure he'll be fine with that. Now can we fucking go? I want to get to Olivia before she eats my fridge."

Slasher scoffs, "Not you too, Caleb." 

I take back what I said, I'm going to kill every single one of them.

Axel takes a glance at Slasher and they cackle to themselves. Oakleys' cheeks darken a shade of red from Caleb's comment and shift awkwardly.

I shake my head, walking over the dead bodies, their footsteps following behind me.

I walk up the stairs slowly, till I reach the second floor.

Whoever else that's in the house must've heard the noise downstairs. There's no way they hadn't.

I lead us down the hallway slowly just as a jingle breaks the tense silence. Sharply turning around, I see Caleb scramble in his pockets and pulls out his phone. The muffled ringtone getting louder.

He answers it as we all stare at him. 

Is he fucking kidding me?

"Livvy now is not a good time," he whispers. "The T.V remote? It's in the bottom left dresser."

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