3. Friendship bracelets

Comenzar desde el principio

My attempt to make her like me a little, did work, she grinned and motioned her head for me to continue, curious about what I was going to say. She walked towards me and went to sit in her teacher chair, she took her lunch box out and stared at me expectantly.

"There's a pretty fancy teachers lounge, I've stolen coffee from there" I said as matter-of-factly. "And...you're old, but not that old" I said in an attempt to make her fully crack a smile this time.

"Oh G-d" she laughed. Yes. "Thank you?" she added sarcastically.

"Yeah, you're welcome" I replied just as sarcastically. "But back to my theory, you're relatively new here too" I stated.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at me unimpressed, and it was amazing how she could look like she didn't care, but still you felt like she did, more than anyone.

"You're correct, I started working here last semester" she stated, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"I'm a genius, I know" I said making her snort. "So, my point is, you should be hanging out with your friend teachers and trying to fit in, but instead you decided to hang out with me because I'm amazing. So, the least I could do was hang out with you instead" I said leaning back as if I owned the place.

Miss. Montgomery looked at me with her mouth wide open, the sight was hilarious. She looked so shocked and surprised at the same time, I bet she thought that after that weird tenson between us, our first conversation would be different.

"I don't remember ever agreeing on spending my free time with you" she stated, trying to sound serious but with a hint of a smile forming. "And I fit in here very well, thank you very much" she added childishly.

I bit my lip as I tried to suppress a smile, the true reason why I came here was because A) I wanna have lunch in peace without a bunch of assholes trying to poison me, and B) I'm lonely.

So yeah, being lonely makes you do crazy things, but coming here was a good idea tho. I knew Miss. Montgomery would be a nice person, but I didn't know if I would like her personality. Now that I know that she and I could actually get along, I'm so gonna befriend her.

"You sure do, but you see...I'm horribly bullied by my classmates and I don't have any friends...and I suffer, a lot..."I paused, putting my hand on my face and pretending to sob a little.

"Is that supposed to make me want to be your friend?" she asked with amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Ugh, come on!" I said defeated. "Okay I'm desperate and I really don't have friends, not even my family are my friends, but that's besides the point. Okay so, I really need a friend, you are the only nice person in this school, it's mean to be" I explained.

"Kate-" she started, I knew she was going to tell me to go to hell, but with much nicer words, so I stepped in.

"I'll trade your friendship for gossip about the students" I offered; I was desperate.

Wow, what happened with 'Not let anyone see my vulnerability'? I can't believe I've gotten to the point of begging a teacher to be my friend.

"Teachers are boring, you could do better" she said, however, I could sense a little playfulness in her tone.

"Oh, I know, actually I'm counting on you to be boring. It lets me be the interesting and funny one in the friendship" I said earning a chuckle from her.

I could tell I was annoying her only a little by being so cocky and rambling so much, but that anyways she was amused. So, it was a win-win situation because apparently, I couldn't act normal around her. Either I was a mess because she made me nervous, or I was a confident brat because I didn't want her to see that she made me nervous.

"I'll start locking my door" she whispered under her breath, counting on me to hear it.

"Wow, that's an awful way to treat your bestie" I said pretending to be hurt.

She narrowed her eyes at me, not missing my choice of words.

"I'm not-" she started.

"Being mean? Yes, you are bestie" I cut her off before she had the chance to speak and destroy my happy family fantasy. "But anyways, besties matters" I said bringing my hands together.

I wasn't planning on doing this, I wasn't planning on asking her for any real advice, I just wanted some human interaction. But after that human interaction I discovered that I wanted Miss. Montgomery to be my friend for real, so here we go. Also, I need all the help I can get in the matter.

"I need your help to get Sofía back" I stated, and I didn't miss the way her body tensed, being so relaxed just a few seconds ago.

She didn't say anything, and I became uncomfortable too, I knew I had to break the silence somehow. Maybe she was great friends with Sofía after all? Maybe too soon?

"I'm gay and you're really looking as a homophobe right now" I said jokingly, and praying that she wasn't really a homophobe.

However, if she really was...well better find out sooner than later and say bye-bye as fast as I can.

"Oh lord, no" she said quickly. "I'm not a homophobe, sorry that I took so long in reacting you just took me by surprise" she said embarrassed.

"We're besties now, I'm gonna talk about all my problems with you and share my deepest and darkest secrets" I replied, earning an amused look from her

She went back to being comfortable after I started joking with her again, and I was surprised I could read her so easily. I don't know if it was me, but I bet it was because she seamed like one of the few sincere people in the world, so anything she said or did, you believed her.

"You speak a lot" she stated. "I'm barely processing what you said earlier and then you continue speaking about something else" she added.

I gasped, faking surprise that then turned into a laugh. I was fighting the urges to tell her the truth, which was that I really wanted her to like me, and that was why I was acting to weird.

"Yeah, you'll get used to it" I said dismissively. "I just thought of something..." I paused and smiled widely, meanwhile she laughed quietly at my mind going a mile per hour, and it was all just to impress her.

"We need friendship bracelets" I ended.


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