But today I forgot my lunch, so I still have to bear some human interaction and pick something from the cafeteria. After a few more seconds I got there, and I wasn't surprised at all by what I saw.

Kate, Sofía's ex, being bullied, again.

"No one wants you here" a voice of a man said.

"What are you still doing here?" another asked bitterly.

There were like eight of them surrounding her table, where I guess she was all alone. This is what the last few weeks have been for her, and yes, our first encounter was weird. To me it was mostly because I didn't expect her to come here, she was trying to win Sofía back, but I wasn't sure if as a friend or as a lover.

Anyways she's got it rough, I don't think Brianna will let her get not even a good glimpse of Sofía...that woman scares me sometimes. Thank G-d Kate is not in one of Brianna's classes, and yes, I checked because I really thought Kate could be murdered.

I know the story of how Kate cheated on Sofía, thanks to Sofía of course, but since my bond with Sofía was broken, I couldn't help but to think that there were always two sides of a story. But no one deserves to be cheated at, and I'm still hurt thanks to Sofía, but she is one of the best persons I've met in my whole life and without a doubt, she didn't deserve her girlfriend cheating on her.

"If you try to hurt Sofía I swear-" A woman said, but she was being cut off by the threatening voice of Kate.

"You what?" she hissed, slamming her hands on the table and standing up, everyone flinched at the action. "I can do whatever the hell I want, and you guys are so tough, fighting for someone that doesn't even remember your names" she ended.

"You're going to regret that" someone said.

I couldn't believe no one has done anything yet, this fight could probably be heard all the way down the teacher's lounge, which means that any teacher could have come and intervened, Sofía could have come and intervened.

I get that she doesn't want to talk to Kate, neither forgive her, but no one deserves this kind of harassment and bullying. And from what I've seen, Kate had been following Sofía around like a lost puppy, trying to earn her forgiveness by humiliating herself and passing moments like these ones...Kate against everyone.

Kate was holding her ground pretty good though, no one dares to bother her one-on-one, as any bully who is also a coward, they only try to get to her when they are a large number of people, and she is alone.

As someone who has experienced bullying and harassment by my own family, and also, as a decent human being, I had to do something to stop this never ending fight against Kate.

"Girl please, you're just humiliating yourself, a wannabe Malibu Barbie is not in fashion anymore" Kate commented, making the other girls and everyone around her gasp.

"I'm going to kill you!" the girl said, about to lunge at Kate.

"Enough!" I yelled, and everyone turned around to meet with my pissed expression.

If one good thing has come from Sofía rejecting me, it's that now I have an anger, a fire within me that gives me the strength and power to yell and surprisingly, actually scare people.

"Apologize to Kate" I said standing there with my arms crossed.

Everyone turned to look at me as if I were crazy, and to them maybe I was. It was an unspoken agreement, but teachers are always updated on gossips, so everyone already knew about Kate and Sofía's past. And everyone sided with Sofía, so no one has ever spoken up to defend Kate. I don't know if I was doing it because I wasn't exactly team Sofía right now, or because of my personal experience with bullying and harassment...but from my point of view, it was just the right thing to do.

"I said, apologize to Kate" I repeated, this time more harshly.

A few seconds passed and they all apologized to her "All of you to the principal's office, now" I said, and they groaned. "If you ever try to bully or harass her again, I'll make sure to put a detail report about it in all your college applications" I ended.

One by one they started marching towards the principal office, I watched them go but I knew I had to go behind them soon or they would escape. But first, I needed to see if Kate was okay.

"Are you okay?" I asked, with a notable gentler tone.

She was looking at me wide-eyed, surprised that I asked her that, that I defended her, and that I made everyone apologize to her. Usually, she went around saying and looking as if she didn't give a fuck about anything. I'm guessing she did it so people wouldn't know if they were getting to her, but like the first time I saw her entering my classroom, it was like this facade was not there anymore.

"Y-yeah, thanks" she said stuttering, as she did the first time we spoke. "You didn't have to do that though, I had it under control" she joked.

"I'm sure you did, I just saved you the energy" I said smiling.

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad tho" she said shrugging her shoulders.

She was clearly embarrassed about the situation, maybe she didn't want to look like she needed saving. I wasn't pitying her, but I wanted to do something for her.

"Right, well...I have to go make sure they get to the principal's office" I said pointing at her classmates.

She nodded awkwardly and stepped aside embarrassed, I started walking and I could feel her eyes in the back of my head. I didn't dare to look back, knowing that I was going to look into her sad looking eyes. But that's when I made a promise to myself, no one deserves to be treated the way Kate was being treated by literally everyone...so I promised to make sure Kate that was going to be okay.


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I Was Right, Love Is Messy (TeacherxStudent) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now