I thought she didn't hear me how quietly I said.

But then I heard a strangled noise coming from her that made me look at her as her eyes widen in shock. I quickly take a bottle from her as I carefully tapped her back so she could calm down.

When she chokes, she was so loud that she attracted the attention of the men, that were deeper in the Warehouse, turning around to see what was happening.

They all looked at us, surprise plastered on their faces.

Lorenzo was alarmed, but when Bruna gestured to him she was fine and calmed down, he then narrowed his eyes sending her one last look, turning around to the men and continued their conversation, as in a corner of my eye I could see Gio glancing at us.

"You little bitch!" she hissed.

"Ouch" I exclaimed

Stefano turned around, watching strangely at us, Bruna continuously slapping my shoulder. At first, he looked at us curiously, but his face turns slowly into a smirk as he knows what we were talking about.

Does he know what I just told Bruna?

"Stop!" I finally catch her hand "now you act like a child" she just smiles at me like a Cheshire cat.

"Tell me everything now!" she ordered, excitement bursting through her eyes.

And I did, leaving a few details about the club. Even I don't know why he was there, making me think.

After me explaining to her everything about that night, feeling tired from looking around so nobody can hear our conversation.

"Aaand how was it?" she finally asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Which Made me blush.

"I got you" She pointed her finger at my cheeks, giggle slips through my mouth, catching me off guard, slamming my mouth.

She smiled

"Yes Bruna, he was the best," I confessed, even if I was drunk I couldn't forget his soft lips, how they felt against mine, the way he was holding me like he was not letting me anywhere and I can't get off that feeling.

I nervously bite my lip, realizing how much the feelings grow for him from the time, and I finally confessed to myself that I liked him.

With that confession, I could feel a new emotion craving through my body, and that is fear of the unknown. Because I still don't know how Gio feels about that night. With that thought my eyes looked for him and there, deep in the warehouse, him talking to Stefano. I allowed myself to hold my stare on him, even if I  knew him my whole life and working for him for five years this is so much different because now I am observing him with new feelings towards him.

And that feeling is forbidden!

I averted my eyes from him, not wanting him to catch me in action, connecting my eyes with Bruna's pitying eyes.

"You didn't talk to him," she noticed. I shake my head, giving her an answer.

"And you are now scared of his reaction and his feelings towards you," she declared, taking my hand giving me a tight squeeze, letting me know she is here for me.

If there were any feelings he had for me.

I smiled at her.

"I don't need to be scared when I know it's forbidden," I told her. She puckered her lips, thinking when her eyes twinkled little smirk showing on her lips.

Not good.

"Whatever you are thinking, the answer is no Bruna"


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