Chapter 1

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"Omi Omi!" I shout at the boy in front of me. We were walking in an ancient building that looked at least 1,000 years old. I was wearing a black hoodie with black shorts, that barely showed under my hoodie. My blond hair flew around in bits and pieces as the wind blew in my face.

"What is it, Miya?" The boy in front of me asked. He had black wavy hair that went down to his chin and was wearing a yellow jacket and black pants.

"How much longer~?" I whined. He turned around. He had black eyes with a black mask on his face. He glared at me. "Not much longer," He told me then turned back around and continued walking.

Not even 5 minutes later, I was about to ask again how much longer when we entered a room. The room looked like it hadn't been touched in awhile. Moss was touching almost every inch of the room, and spider webs good be seen in the corners of the room. In the middle of the room though, stood a circle platform, with sun shining down on it.

"What is this place, Omi?" I asked him, putting my chin on his shoulder. Usually he wouldn't let anyone touch him. Sakusa Kiyoomi was a germaphobe, but Miya Atsumu was the only one able to touch him without him minding.

Sakusa turned his head toward me and gave me a smile when he took off his mask, and took my hand and brought me to the circle platform. The warm sun hit my face the minute I took a step onto it.

"Atsumu, I've known you since... forever," He told me while holding my hands in his. "I can't imagine my life without you," He said. "Aww Omi, I can't live without you either!" I said while I smiled at him. I didn't know at that moment that some of the next few sentences he would say would change our life forever.

"If it wasn't for you, I'd be so lost," He looked me in the eye while he talked. "I'm so glad you came into my life Miya. Sure there are people out there who love you like I do, but that doesn't matter, cause I do," He said while squeezing both of my hands in his. I couldn't believe he was saying that, and i didn't think he could either. 

Before I could stop myself, I kissed him. I felt his surprise when I did, but I also felt the happiness that radiated off of him. When we let go we both were smiling. That was til' I realized what I had done, and buried my face in his shoulder while he laughed. 

"Atsumu, you don't know how happy you have made me," He whispered softly in my ear. My whole body shivered as his warm breath hit my ear. I slowly begun to wrap my arms around him and he wrapped him around me, making us go into a hugging position. We stayed like that for awhile, until we heard a boom outside.

We quickly ran over to the boom with our hand intertwined. There we saw it. Someone had launched a bomb on a town. You could see the houses crumbled to pieces, and all the dead bodies around it.

I tightened my grip on Sakusa's hand, but then clinged onto him. My hands had gripped onto his jacket, and he had one arm around my body, and the other was stroking my hair. None of it though could erase what we saw. Both of us had gone into shock.

"Omi..?" I asked him as my voice shaked. "What is it?" He asked in a soft voice, still stroking my hair. "I-I," My voice had begun to fail me. "Shhhh," He whispered. "You're ok," He told me. But that was the thing. was ok. Not the people who had done nothing to deserve being killed in that bomb.

Sakusa probably guessed that he couldn't do anything to comfort me, so he grabbed under my legs and picked me up. My legs wrapped around his back, with his arms under me, He carried us back to the ancient building we had been in not moments ago, confessing our love to each other.

He placed me down on the platform, while he sat down in a position so i could lean up against him. Warmed filled my heart, but also breaking it at the same time. I knew he was trying his best to comfort me, and I knew he had to still be in shock like me.

"O-Omi?" I asked in a soft voice as I sat up and turned around to face him. "Yes, Atsumu?" He answered while looking at me. I tried to act calm but my face was flushed in pink. I knew this could either go amazingly good, or horribly wrong, and yet I was too embarrassed to care.

"C-Can you kiss m-me?" I asked then covered up my face in my hands. Then I felt to warm hands grab mine, and took them off of my face. Sakusa was there. He had a huge smile on his face, and it looked like he wanted to laugh at me. But he didn't. "Now what kind of question is that?" He asked, folding his arms up against his chest. "What do you mean what type of question is tha!-" I yelled at him until I was stopped when a warm pair of lips hit mine.

I saw Sakusa's face in front of mine, eyes closed, and lips pressed up against mine.  As soon as I saw him, I closed my eyes and melted into him. I rested my arms on his shoulders, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I could feel the kiss start to get heated, the longer we kissed. I could feel him biting my lip for entrance to my mouth. I slowly opened my mouth, and felt his tongue touch mine. I could tell the kiss was getting aggressive.

"O-Omi," I called his name when we stopped kissing, and came for air. "We can't do it, Omi." I could feel him start to kiss my neck while I talked. "O-Omi S-Stop!" I tried to say with confidence, trying not to let him continue.

"Ok, Ok," He said, and stopped kissing me. "Sorry," He apologized and gave me puppy eyes. I glared at him as I continued to try to be serious. "It's fine," I told him. "Now I gotta get home," I said and grabbed his hand and started walking out of the room. 

"Ok, but first," He said and stopped me from walking. "Give me a kiss," He crossed his arms as he spoke. This man had to be kidding. As we continued to stand there, I could tell he wasn't kidding. 

"Fine," I told him, and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Now let's get home now," I grabbed his arm and dragged him along with me as I ran out of the building. "Slow down dumbass!" He yelled at me while laughing. 

We didn't know that this would be the last time we would have a normal relationship in a very long time.

(IM FINALLY FINISHED! This chapter took me around 2 hours of nonstop typing. I really hope y'all liked this chapter! I will try to post the next chapter soon! Realize, this was a flashback so the next chapter will be in present time! Love y'all and stay safe!! <333 )

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