Chapter 26

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An: Wow I've been gone for a while, I got preoccupied with some irl stuff and kinda fell off track with the DSMP lore so a few things might be a little all over the place but I'm gonna do my best to catch up before school starts up again. Also we reacted 100k reads which is absolutely unbelievable, I am so incredibly appreciative of all the love and support I get on this story. I hope you enjoy!

[Eden POV]

"Come on Eden!"

Niki's voice came from a few meters behind me. Sitting up from the patch of cornflowers I'd been looking at I ran over to Niki, she'd been talking to Tommy as I aimlessly ran around a field.

"Are you okay with staying with me while Tommy goes to..." She trailed off, glancing up at Tommy before looking back at me. "Run an errand."

"Wait Tommy's leaving? Where are you going? Why can't I go with you?" I turned my attention to Tommy, not wanting him to leave.

"I'm going to check out somewhere I've never been before." Tommy ruffled my hair a bit as he saw my mood drop. "That's why you can't go, I have to get rid of all the wrongins first."

"Is it safe?"

"That's what I'm figuring out. But don't worry no one can hurt me, I'll be alright." Tommy knelt down so I could hug him. I could tell he was lying through his teeth about being safe, but there was no way I'd be able to convince him to take me.

"I'll be back to get you tomorrow morning alright?" He extended his pinky finger out to me, a way of giving me his word he'd be back.

"Alright." Hooking my finger with his I gave him a firm yet reluctant nod.

Tommy gave me a small smile before standing back up and thanking Niki for agreeing to take me.

Once she'd assured him it was fine, Tommy left.

I could tell Niki noticed my mood change without Tommy there.

"Hey Eden?" Niki bent down at my side. "Have I shown you my city yet?"

I turned to her, confusion lacing my expression.  "You have a city?"

"Yeah, it's underground. Do you wanna go see it?"

Nodding in response Niki look my hand and led me in the direction of a nether portal. My grip on her tightening as we went through.

We walked to a path of grass and many flowers lined with cobblestone. I was confused on how the flowers hadn't wilted from the heat or how they had grown at all but didn't get time to question it before we were back in the overworld.

An entire biome of flowers was on the other side, some I'd never even seen before. The grass was long and I could spot at least five bees just from where we were standing.

Completely mesmerized by the scenery I hadn't noticed Niki pulling me towards a now open cave entrance.

Once she got my attention again we descended the stairs, met with hanging lanterns and stain glass windows. Bridges went over rooms that mimicked biomes of their own, chests lined the walls. It was beautiful.

Niki let out a small laugh as she noticed my amazement, taking me to a large kitchen with all the baking supplies you could ever need.

"Eden, have you ever baked anything before?"
Niki asked, taking a few different sized bowls out of a cabinet.

"Not really, I used to help my mom when I was younger but that's really it." I replied, recollecting an old memory.

"Do you wanna help me bake?"

Without hesitation I agreed, Niki smiling at me as I peered over the counter beside her.

Niki took out bags of ingredients, laying them all out onto the counter. She helped me pour in the bag of flower and taught me how to crack eggs properly, before handing me a bowl and a whisk.

I sat on top of the counter mixing all the wet ingredients in a small bowl as Niki mixed all the dry ingredients in a bigger bowl.

"Hey Niki, what exactly are we baking?"
I asked looking up from the bowl in my lap.

"Oh we're making a cake! Techno's birthday is tomorrow so the syndicate is making a little birthday party for him."

"Oh yay! We're going to see Techno tomorrow!"

Niki laughed at my enthusiasm as she continued to stir.

Once the ovens were all done heating up Niki poured all the ingredients together in one big bowl, helping me mix it before pouring into cake pans as putting them in the oven.

While the cake was cooking Niki brought me back up the the surface to pick some flowers.

I grabbed a handful of cornflowers, white tulips, and daisies. While Niki grabbed some roses, pink tulips, and lilies.

We put them together in a vase and placed
them on the table. Niki thanking me for helping her before we headed back over to the kitchen.

Niki took out some white icing she'd made prior and some strawberries.

I cleaned the strawberries, as Niki took out the cutting board, leaving the icing to reach room temperature.

Niki cut the tops of the strawberries off and put them to the side to decorate the cake with. I watched since I wasn't allowed to use the knives.

Once Niki finished with the strawberries, the oven beeped.

She quickly removed the cakes from the oven and placed them on rotating plates.

The icing got put into tubes so I could help put it on, Niki had one while I did the other. I tried to mimic what she did to the best of my ability, the icing to mine was a little more mess than hers but I placed all the strawberries correctly and for the most part it looked good.

Finally Niki covered the cakes with glass lids, steeping back and putting her hands on her hips, observing her work.

She looked down and gave me a bright smile. Replying with one of my own I bounced up and down on the balls of my feet. My excitement died down when I involuntarily yawned.

Niki giggled to herself. "You okay with taking a nap for a bit?"

Thinking for a second I nodded, I was a bit scared to sleep. I hadn't slept without Tommy for ages, but he wouldn't be back till tomorrow morning. Unless stayed up all night I'd have to, and I didn't wanna keep Niki up.

Niki took my hand and brought me up to where her room was.

"We could take a nap in here or you could have your own room. Tommy told me you have a bit of trouble sleeping."

So that's why we went to her room. "Can I stay with you, please?"

Smiling, she nodded.

Taking our shoes off Niki climbed into bed. She laid on her side with an arm under her pillow, her other arm extended out to me. Climbing into bed I crawled into her arms, laying my head in her chest as she ran her finger hers through my hair. Her eyes closed as she hummed something.

My mind hardly had a time to race before I was falling asleep.

I was comfortable.

I felt safe.

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