Chapter 23

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An: It's time.

Tw: Spoilers, Death, Traumatized children, swearing, and potential manipulation
[Eden POV]

It had been raining all morning, Tommy and I walked to the tower were we could see Ghostbur, Ranboo, and Tubbo waiting for us.

"Hello everyone!"



"Hi Tommy! Hi Eden!"

"Hello Ghostbur."

We all stood in a sort of circle as Tommy began to speak, explaining what exactly the plan was.

"Alright so here's the deal, Tubbo do you have the pots from when I asked last time?"

"I have the wither skulls, Ranboo has the pots." Tubbo held about six wither skulls in his hands as Ranboo gave Tommy, Fire resistance and Invisibility pots.

Ghostbur gave Tommy a cod fish.

Telling Tubbo he wouldn't need the skulls anymore Tommy began to explain his plan.

"You know how no one on this fuckin server expects Wilbur- oh sorry Ghostbur, to go- like the most innocent man. Very pushed around."


"But a very lovely guy."

"I'm brave! Im very brave." Ghostbur puffed out his chest a bit to seem bigger.

"Here, here here."

Ghostbur gave Tommy some blue.

"Thank you, I needed that."

"Now here's the plan, I know I mentioned blowing it up, but I did a lot of thinking last night and that's just not gonna work. What I think we do, is we've organized with Sam that Ghostbur is gonna go in. Now the reason I needed all these pots is because I'm gonna sneak in, behind him, the entire time."

Tommy clarified with Tubbo that his plan made sense, the plan ending with killing Dream.

"Wait, I thought we liked Dream." Ghostbur said, confused in the corner.

Do we like Dream?

"No Will, we don't like Dream. Dream is probably one of the worst men on this Earth."

Guess not.

"So we just gotta take one of his cannon lives?" Ghostbur asked.

Doesn't he only have one left?

"Dream's on his last- yknow what yeah."

Okay, yes he is. Tommy why are you lying to the ghost.

"Ghostbur, I know your really good at being honest, but under no circumstances do you say I'm with you." Tommy told him, as to make sure he didn't give him away.

"Think of it as a game, Ghostbur. A game were Tommy is hiding from Sam." I piped in trying to explain it in an easier way.

"Oh okay."

"Yeah do lie that I'm not with you."

"Lie?" Ghostbur looked at Tommy with a worried expression, like he hadn't just agreed to help Tommy kill a man.

Ghostbur tried to practice with Ranboo and Tubbo, as Tommy gave him really bad advice, telling him to just talk about women instead of lying.

"Ghostbur just don't mention Tommy, then you aren't lying if you just don't talk about it at all." I said, trying to explain things to Ghostbur that, again, would be easier to understand than what Tommy was saying.

MiniInnit [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora