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They stepped out of the bar with their bottle of wine and Derek began to make a turn towards the parking lot while Meredith just went straight ahad. When she noticed his missing presence she turned around.

„Where are you going?" she asked amused.

"To the car?" he laughed.

"We don't need a car. We're perfectly heathy we can walk ten minutes." she laughed.

"Well how could I have known it was only ten minutes away? You never told me where we were going." he smirked while walking towards me. She just laughed and shock her head. She felt like she had known him for ages in this moment. Like they had some type of strong connection that neither of them could resist.

After walking ten minutes and Derek asking at least 20 time ,,How long until we're there?" they finally reached their destination. They were walking behind some trees in a park after walking up the hill. And now they were standing next to a bench on a cliff that overlooked the river and all the ferry boats. Because it started to get dark it looked even more beautiful with all the lights turning on.

After standing there and just looking out to the ferry's for what felt like hours Meredith turned around to look at Derek. He looked so peaceful with his head cracked lightly to the side and a small smile playing on his lips.

"You like it?" She asked quietly while mirroring his smile.

"Yeah" was the only thing that he said. But now he wasn't looking at the ferry's but at her. "It's beautiful."

She felt tingles run up her spine when she imaged if that little it had been a you're. "Yeah it it." She finallly replied smiling and lowering herself onto the bench. Only seconds after he sat down next to her. They just sat there in comfortable silence.

"I come out here sometimes." she wispert after some time had passed. He turned to look her her and smiled as to tell her to go on.

"When I don't know what to do or if it's all just to much." she wispert and her voice broke slightly. His heart broke for the beautiful girl in front of him. Seeing her even just the slightest bit sad or broken he couldn't ignore the need to hug her or the strange feeling to need to protect her. He cared for Meredith Webber that was a fact.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you this," she continued whispering "don't know why I always feel so safe around you. Like we have some type of strange connection and we know each other for years."

As he heard these words he couldn't help but smile a bit knowing he wasn't the only one feeling that way. But by the way she spoke he knew she wasn't done talking so he didn't say anything.

"And know probably think I'm some type of crazy person that catches feeling after 2 seconds and believes in soulmates. And you probably just stand up every second now and just go and never speak to me again and tell all the attendings that I'm crazy and then they all let me fail my test and then I can't be a doctor. And then my parents will be so disappointed and never speak to me again and I'm gonna be poor and homeless because I can't to anything else besides being a doctor and shopping probably but you don't get payed for that. And now I ramble and I can't stop but if I don't stop it will make everything only worse so please just do something to make me stop or else..."

she was interrupted by his lips crashing down on hers. She was surprised at first and completely overwhelmed by how soft and good his lips felt on her. But after a few seconds he responded and kissed him back. It wasn't a passionated or rough kiss. It was slow and soft and told her that he felt the same pull towards her and it left her reliefed.

Even though neither of them wanted to break the kiss they had to pull away after some time to catch der breaths. The both breathed heavily while looking into each others eyes. When he pulled his hand away from her cheek she even noticed that it had been there in the first place. His low chuckle brought her out of her thoughts.

"Your cute when you rambl" was the only thing he said why looking at her a way only Derek shepherd could.

Hey I know this one was short but I wanted you guys to see the start of merder soon so I just decided to post now.
Vote and comment;)
Lots of love

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