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Meredith POV:

After a few min my mom bust in running into the office. ,,What the hell? I don't see I emergency here so can you please explain to me why the hell you paged me 911?" ,,Ellis sit down." my dad told her oddly calm. ,,What is it I don't have all day. And why are you here Meredith? What is going on?" I just stood there still in shock and looked at them. I wasn't really hearing them I was so lost in my thoughts until ,,Meredith." ,,hmm?" my mom looked at me questioning. ,,You should sit down too honey." my dad told me. Without saying something I sat down in the chair next to my mother. ,,Can some one now please explain to me what is going on? And why Meredith looked like saw a ghost?" she asks again. ,,Okay but I need you to not freak out and stay calm." Richard told her while he looked deep into her eyes. My mother just nodded. ,,You remember the junkie girl from yesterday in the ER? She was there twice. She stole the meds?" my mother just nodded again. And looked at me confused. ,,She was here with a fake name. We were sure about that. She told us her mom died from a liver complication and that her dad committed suecide." he continued. ,,She wouldn't tell us her real name until yang told her that she needed surgery and ask her if she had an insurance or who was going tomorrow for that." my mom was still completely confused what she had to do with this. I mentally prepared myself what he was about to say next. He took a deep breath ,,She told her that her father told her to use his left over money if anything should happened. She ask for his name and...." he hesitated. ,,His name what get to the point I don't..." he cut her off ,,his name was Thatcher Grey!" I breathed in sharply.  There was us again his name and all the anger that was inside me. My mom just sat there in shock. It was like she was numbed. ,,Ellis?" my dad tried. ,,I don't want to meet her!" she said sharply after a couple of minutes. ,,She's does drugs just like Thatcher. I'm not her stepmother or anything she's NOT Merediths half sister and she's not family. So I don't want to know her I don't want to get to know her. She doesn't know us and it stays that way. She will get her surgery and then she will be out of here. If you excuse my I have work to do." and with that she stood up and left the room. I could tell that it was hard for her. Probably nobody else could but I could read her. She hid all of her emotions and acted like she was fine. I knew she wasn't. Like I new her she would probably be moody the whole day and bark at others or she would lock herself in her office and work until she collapsed and tried hard not to break down. Why I know all of this. Because that's exactly what I do. And that's when I realized that I'm so much like her. And I that moment I was glad about that. And especially glad to not be like my father.

Derek POV:

I slept in an on call room tonight. I was to drunk to drive and no cap gets to my trailer so that was my best option. I couldn't sleep at all. All i thought about was Addison and how angry I was at her. But it was a strange feeling because I also felt kinda relieved. It's like she gave me a good reason not to stick around. Our marriage a d relationship was broken for a long time. For years. But I really never thought she would let me raise a child which I believed was mine. I didn't wanted to go to work but I knew I had to. Also it was good for distracting me. And then I realized I had no one to talk to. I was in a bad mood all the time so nobody really liked me around. And I clearly couldn't talk to Addison or Mark who, I might have forgotten to mention, was my neighbor since we were 8! We didn't go to the same college but when we heard that we were both in Seattle now when got in touch again and it was kinda great. Like no time had passed. He was my best and really only friend all my live and now he slept with my wife and got her pregnant? I don't know if I'm more disappointed in addi or mark. Richard. I could talk to him. Even if I had to hear the I told you so line. He was the only one I had left. I needed to find him. That's when little Webber came into my mind. The evening with her was kinda great. We didn't talk about our problems but it was like she understood me anyway. She was actually really nice and sweet I really didn't thought that. I thought she was that kind of a girl who gets everything what she wants just when she blinks with her eyelashes. I don't know what exactly happened to her yesterday but I could tell it really got to her. Ahhh what am I thinking. She probably thinks I'm a jerk and just hoped to get some gossip. But I really wondered why with was with yang instead of Keppner or Karev. I might remember not correctly but I guess I didn't saw her ring in her finger even though I thought tea were engaged. It's probably nothing. I really need to get to work know an find Richard as soon as possible.
I walked out of the on call room in fresh scrubs and went to get some coffe and look what resident I got dir the day. Keppner great. I thought. She was way to happy and glittery for my liking. It would be a long day. I didn't want her to be in my surgery so I just let her run labs and check on my patients post-ops all morning and noon. My surgery has some complications so it went longer than I thought. When I walked out of the OR it was 8pm. I let Keppner inform me about everything while I went to get something to eat and a large coffee. I told her to monitor my patients for the rest of her shift and went to find Richard.
When I walked in the hallway to his office a really upset Ellis Grey was storming past me. I looked after her. But didn't ask any questions. When I arrived at his office door I took a deep breath and knocked. ,,Come in." I heard Richards voice from the inside. When I walked in I saw little Webber sitting in a chair infront of Richards desk and she looked like she just saw a ghost. She didn't looked up to me she just stared right ahead. ,,Shep what can I do for you?" I looked up to Richard who was sitting in the bis leather chair behind his desk. Looking also kinda shocked but smiled at me anyway. ,,I'm sorry I don't want to interrupt. I will come back later." I told him and was almost out the door when I heard a little voice say ,,No it's okay you can stay. I have to go anyway." I looked back a saw how she stood up from her chair took a deep breath like I just did. She faked a smile and looked at Richard. ,,Bye dad." Her voice sounded like she was just crying. ,,Bye honey." Richard said. And with that she walked out of the office and we were alone. ,,So what can I do for you?" I closed the door and sat down. ,,Do you have a min?" I was sure I needed more than a min but was afraid he had no time. ,,Sure" he replied and smiled a warm smile at me. ,,I need you to be my friend for a couple min," I started ,,because apparently I'm so moody that I scared everybody around me away and have no one." I continues and locked down at my hands. Richards look started to get concerned. ,,Sure, but don't you have Addi or Mark was that his name? You neighbor and best friend from Seattle pres?" he asked. I just chuckled bitterly. ,,What's wrong Derek?" ,,I'm not going to be a dad." I almost wispert cause I didn't know if my voice would break if missed it out loud. ,,What? Derek what do you mean?" he ask as I turned my head to look at him. He suddenly breathed in quickly. ,,Omg Derek did she lost it? Derek I'm so sorry I," I first confused at first but them realized that he really didn't know so I cut him off. ,,No she's fine. It's just ... it's just not my child Richard." I told him and looked back down at my hands. He didn't say anything probably because he didn't know what to. ,,It's Marks child." I told him and locked back up. He locked at me shocked and let out a gust of air. ,,Oh my god." he whispered. ,,I am so sorry." ,,Don't be." I chuckled bitterly. We just sat there in silence. ,,You know what's weird?" I finally broke it. He looked at me questioning. ,,I mean I'm really angry and disappointed and also sad but...
I'm also kinda relived." He looked like he still didn't understand. ,,Your marriage and relationship was toxic and broken for a long time. It was like that for years. I never had a good reason to walk out of it even if I knew it was the right thing but I think was scarred." ,,Scared of what?" ,,scared to be alone... and all the fights and Arguments, that's why I always was in a bad mood. She wasn't good for me. I was terrible when I was with her you were right the whole time. You were right." I said realizing it an d nodding at him. He smiled and raised an eyebrow ,,I told you so!" he said mockingly. I just chuckled. ,,I'm sorry but I had to say it once. But seriously Derek why are you relived?" He turned the conversation serious again. I looked at him for a moment before I spoke. ,,It was like she gave me an out. I had finally a good reason to walk away. To end out marriage. As sad as it is. I called my lawyer yesterday I will sign divorce papers tomorrow and will send her to Addison after that." Richard just nodded. ,,Even my mom told me she wasn't the right one. But I would listen. I'm so stupid." I thought out loud. ,,Hey I know and I also told you so but now is not the time to think about that. You have to move forward. File the divorce and start over. You're still young. It's not to late for a second chance. And start to do thinks that do you good. And make you happy. Stay on that land of yours. Go fishing or whatever the hell you do out there and start to be nice to some people here. So you get some friends or at least some colleagues who aren't afraid of your barking. Okay?" He raised and eyebrow at me. I could help but laught a little. ,,I'm not that young anymore I'm 39 but your right and I will try to do just that." I smiled thankful at him.
,,And if you need to talk just find me. No get out of here" he smiled ,,Yeah thanks Richard." I smiled Barca and walked out of his office. I was slightly surprised by myself that I actually considered to do what he said. Then I went to find Addison.

When I found her she stood at a nurse station with her head in her hands. ,,Hi do you have a min?" she looked up to me. Her eyes were red from crying and she looked exhausted. ,,Please can we talk tomorrow I'm too exhausted too fight right know."
,,No we need to do this now." I said firmly. She sighed and went behind the nurse station and let herself fall into the chair.
,,Fine what to want to talk about?" she ask me with an annoyed tone. ,,you really want to talk here?" I ask her I the same tone.
,,Derek I told you I'm exhausted just spit it out. What do you want?" he was rally surprised by her tone and started to get angry.
,,okay if you insist. I want a divorce. My lawyer is prepping the papers and I sign them tomorrow morgen I send them to you afterwards." I said a little extra loud just so she would regret her decision to talk about it here. ,,Derek I,.... can we please talk about this? ... in ahh private? Please? I'm sorry... please we can survive this... just don't sign them." She pleaded with my while tears streamed down her cheecks. At this point a little audience was standing around watching us but I didn't mind anymore. I didn't want everybody to think I'm the bad guy anymore and i was sure as hell that Addison would tell the story just like that.
,,First of all you wanted to talk about it here I ask you to talk to me in private and second you might have thought about that before you decided not to just fuck my bestfriend and cheat on me but also before you decided to get pregnant with his baby and let me think it was mine until yesterday. So no I don't think we can talk about this. You get the papers tomorrow you can have the house and we split the rest and if you excuse me now I have work to do." and with that I just stormed of. I know it was mean but she wanted and deserved it that way. I know that in maybe half an hour the whole hospital would know. But I didn't care. I would be a free man tomorrow and I locked forward to that. I would finally start building that house next year when I finished the plans and i would try to be a better person.

Well what do you think? In the Next chapter Webber will probably kick Alex's ass so be exited.
2400 words yey lots of love:)

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