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Hey so this chapter Lexi will get in the picture if you didn't remember she's drug addict and was the patient Christina and Meredith saved before joes in chapter 3.  She also told Jackson she has a sister here.But no one knows who it is. 
Have fun reading :)

Meredith POV:

I went in the shower got ready for work and ate breakfast. When I started driving it was 3:30 pm. It  only takes 15 min to get there but I will have to change my clothes and it's nice to have some time. I arrived and pulled in a parking lot. Even if my mom and dad and almost everything attending has their own parking place and even if I'm the daughter of Ellis Grey I don't have one which I think is great because if I did it would be a huge drama about me getting favored and stuff. I get out if my car.  When I walk through the doors all eyes are on me. Shit they all probably heard about Alex and April. Then I realize two things
1 I still wear his ring and 2 I have to face both of them today and can only hang out with Jackson or maybe even Christina. I don't know maybe yesterday was a once in a lifetime thing but I will just ask her. I have nothing more to loose anyway.
I quickly put my hand with the ring in the pocket of my jacked so no one thinks I'm that type of a person who stays with a man after he cheated. I walk strait to our lounge and am so relived when I see no one in there. I change quickly and pull the ring of my finger and wonder what I'm gonna do with it? Throw it away? Give him back? I will probably just ask my das cause I have to talk to him anyway and I still have 10 min before my shift starts.  I put the ring on a safety pin inside of my scrub top so I won't loose. Not that I don't want to but I will first have to figure out what I want to do. Right when I want to walk out Jackson bust in ,,Hey Mer I've been looking for you. Are you okay?" at least one friend left and one person who asks ,,Yeah I'm okay. Just glad I didn't marry that jerk and can't believe April did that but yeah I will be okay." I smile half hearted. ,,Okay good cause I really need to talk to you." ,,Okay? About what? Is everything okay? You seen a little...stressed?" He looks at me serious
,,Sit down?"  I sit on the couch as he said ,,Okay what is going on Jackson? You're scaring me!"
,,You know the junkie girl you and yang saved yesterday evening in the ER?"
,,Yeah what about her how is she by the way?"
,,She's fine now. But yesterday that was the second time she was in the ER that day. A dr. Sloan von Seattle pres brought her in because she was lying on the street. She's a drug addict. She told me her name was Lucy Ball but I bet all my money that that's not true. I was just getting her labs back and when I opened the curtain she was trying to put all the meds she found in her backpack. After I talked to her and she lied back down and told me she knew what a heart peace maker is and explained it to me flawlessly and said something about a photographic memory. I told her to go to med School and start a new life after she told me that her mom died of a liver complication and her commidet suecide. She also told me that she has a sister who doesn't know her and that she works here. But she wouldn't tell me her name. After that she started crying, we'll fame crying, and I hugged her. That's when she stole my ID card and when I left she stole a lot of meds and left and then came in the evening again. You know the rest."
I just sat there and looked at him and then looked at the clock ,,shit I'm late. Talk to while we're walking." I told him and went out the door in the hallway. ,,I mean that's a interesting story and she's kinda my patient but why are you telling me all of this?"
,,I just wonder if you know someone who could have a lost sister?" he shrugged ,,Nope no idea." I tell him. ,,See you later?" ,,Yeah sure just find me" ,,who are with?" I ask him ,,Neuro. Bad Shepherd" he laughed ,,Have fun. Do you know where I am?" ,,Ehm I yeah your with Robbins Peds?" ,,Not as good as cardio, but I like kids. Thanks. See ya" then I went to find Dr. Robbins and ask myself how Dr. Shepherd would have reacted if I was in his service. Meredith stop thinking about him! Nothing would have been different he would still be the  moody and mean addenting barking and bossing around everybody.

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