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1 Month later

Meredith moved into her new apartment two weeks after she first saw it. Her parents weren't really fond of the idea of her moving out but eventually helped her paint and move. She was really happy not life in peace and quiet. Christina and her also got closer over the last month and she was finally over Alex and April. Jackson was still her friend and he and Christina also helped with moving. Luckily Christina and Jackson also got along well so they sometimes hung out together. It was still a bit strange for them, cause a month ago they couldn't stand each other and were totally different persons. Meredith was still in contact with her parents and their relationship didn't really change. She visits at least ones a week. Her father is still caring and nice and her mother still harsh and makes sure she good enough at work. Which she is along with Christina yang. Her mother thinks that's a problem but Meredith dosen't really care.

Derek tried to be nice to everybody now and it kinda worked. Sometimes he fell a little back when he was too exhausted but all in all everything was fine. Addison was now 9 months pregnant and on maternity leave. Mark was with her apparently their were together now. He tried not to care and that worked most of the time because he didn't really have feelings for her anyway but sometimes he was still hurt. He didn't forgot the night with little Webber at jo's tough. She was nice and caring and surprisingly had problems herself. And even if they didn't talk about them she seemed to understand. She  didn't judge.
But he didn't treat her any different then any other resident. And he realized that he probably should call his mom soon.

Dereks POV

March 6 read the calendar on dereks desk in his office. One week until his non child's due date. He sighed. He had an giant amount of paper work infront of him and it was only noon. How was he supposed to get through this day? Every day this week felt like crap. He tried to stay calm and friendly everyday but it got harder the closer the day got. A lot of people were surprised when he started being kind and respectful but now they pretty much got used to it and he really felt better.

Ring ring his cell rang next to him. He looked at the caller ID Mom he sighed. He couldn't pick up. Everyday he told himself to call her or at least except one of her calls. But he couldn't. He didn't know how he was supposed to tell his mother that that grandchild of hers wasn't even her grandchild and he wasn't the father? He know he was supposed to tell and he also knew that he would probably feel better after he did but he couldn't. So he just waited until it stoped.

He stood up and walked to the cafeteria. When he got there he he got himself a salat and a water the health nut he was.
,,Here you go Dr. Shepherd." the kind looking lady told him while handing everything over to him. ,,Thank you." he gave her a halfhearted smile and left to eat outside. He already was inside the whole day it it didn't rain today to he sat on a benach outside and eat to clear his head.

After 20 min he got up and went back inside. ,,Hey Shep." he turned around and saw Hunt walking towards him. He and Owen got a bit closer over the last month and went to jo's ones or twice. He liked him he was nice and he didn't really had other friends except Richard and Mark be he didn't counted anymore. So it was nice to talk to someone. ,,Hey Hunt. Any interesting cases?" ,,Yeah just got paged to the pit I'll have to wait and see. You?" ,,No, just a day of paperwork." Derek sighed.
,,Oh man. Maybe you're lucky and my guy needs a consult I will page you." Hunt told him while stepping into an elevator.
,,Yeah thanks." he sighed and walked towards the Chefs office.

Knock knock ,,Come in." he Heard- Ellis Greys harsh voice from inside her office. He turned the knob and went inside.
,,Dr. Shepherd what can I do for you?" she asked him while looking at him behind a large pile of paperwork. ,,I need a day off next week," Derek sighed ,,the Saturday 13." he continued. She looked at him questioning. ,,Can I ask why?" she asked. Since when does Ellis Grey care about anyone's personal life? He ask himself before answering. ,,It's personal I don't want to brother you with that I just don't think I'm capable to work on that day." she nodded. ,,Sure you worked over yourself anyway so that's fine. Something else?" ,,No that's it Chef thank you." Derek nodded. ,,Not problem Derek." and with that he closed the door and went back to his paperwork.

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