Chapter 17

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Sometimes being scared and cautious might be the only thing that can save your life.

We walked up the stairs but halfway up the stairs Luciano branched off on a hallway we passed when climbing down earlier.

The blood still trailed along with him and I stared at it as I walked along.

"Come on." He looked over his shoulder at me. He probably felt me lagging behind.

I followed, like the good puppy I am. Doing Luciano's biddings. He says kill, I kill. He says walk, I walk. What's next? Roll over? Fetch?

We passed through many closed doors. It was like the farther we walked the colder it became. The hallway was painted in neutral tones.

I looked around as we walked. "Where are we going Luciano?" I asked to Luciano's back.

"You'll see. Now come on." Why did I always have to be attracted to the rude ones? "They're waiting." Stuck with the cryptic psycho. Again who did I kill in my past life? Who did I offend?

"Who's they?"

"You'll see." Great. I felt like a little kid.

Before I could say anything more Luciano opened a transparent door.

It was all white. But it wasn't the colour or lack of that caught my attention. The room was full to the almost to the brim with people in protective gear and some armed men stationed at strategic positions.

A path was made in the middle, presumably for passage but it was separated from the different work stations by a transparent plastic covering of sorts.

There were rows and rows of metal tables arranged in the room or hall of sorts.

On some tables there were white substances being packaged, on others they were brown, they were all being meticulously handled. I knew even the smallest mistake or impurity could make them lose a fortune.

There were also tables at the far corners, on those tables pills were being sorted out.

I won't pretend I didn't know what they were doing. Living the way I did kinda prepared you for the worst.

They were packaging drugs, more than I've ever seen in my life. The workers were covered from head to toe in a gear of some sorts. Probably to protect the drugs from getting compromised. And I didn't need to make wild guesses as to what the guards were there for, it obviously wasn't to protect the workers.

They worked so fast it was almost imperceptible, it was like they'd had years of practice.

I doubt they noticed me. But if they did they didn't show it.

It was fascinating in a way. The package, pick, drop and weigh motion.

I noticed some workers carrying bags to a little door at the corner.

"You coming?" I looked towards Luciano. Only noticing now that I'd stopped to stare and Luciano had walked way ahead of me.

I looked around the room again and rushed to catch up with him. I still didn't know where we were going though.

He opened the door at the end of the passage that was made between both work stations.

Unlike the other hallways though this one wasn't lit as brightly as all the others.

It was kinda dark only being illuminated by a dim bulbs in the walls, it gave me serious bad vibes and chills. I felt cold air creep up my spine.

I pulled myself to a stop.

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