He was free by the evening and him and his friends went to a carnival in Austin. Conan put on a mask and goggles, hoping he wouldn't get recongnised. A few people took selfies with him which he requested them not to post right away. A few out right questioned him about his relationship with Heath. He politely told them that it was none of their business. 

Ashley and Gus went on the giant wheel and Gus almost shit his pants. Caroline mused to Conan about how pretty this girl in her class was. She showed him photos of both of them. Ellie got really drunk on beer and had to be dragged back to Ashley's car hiccupping and giggling, in the end. 

Louis called him in the middle of playing ring toss and he was sad to know he went t a carnival without him. He ranted to him about how someone is his class body shamed him again and Conan listened for a while. Louis left when he got a call from Michael. 

"Young love is i-INcredible," Ellie giggled, sweating like a pig. "Even your brother knows that."

"Come on," Conan said, pulling her down on the bench beside himself. She slumped against Conan's neck and continued to speak. 

"I cannot believe that your brother has a boyfriend," she sighed in distress. "I mean I don't have one and he does?"

"Yeah, shocker," he said, rolling his eyes. Ellie smiled smugly, a thick array of red sprayed across her face. 

"I won Gus another monkey to fuck," Ashley said holding up an orange monkey with incredibly long limbs. 

"Speaking of the monkey," Ellie said, annoyed. "I am gonna kill Gus right now."

"I didn't actually fuck the monkey I gave you," Gus said, backing away as Ellie approached him groggily. "I swear to god I didn't."

"But Gus is gonna fuck this one," Caroline laughed. 

"No fucking way," Gus said. 

Conan's last week in Texas ended pretty quickly

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Conan's last week in Texas ended pretty quickly. His dad and Louis left two days before he did and Alyssa left a day before him. His mom cried as Alyssa promised to visit again. His friends didn't let him get sad that he would be leaving them behind soon. Ashley and the others made jewelry for him again, which had sort of become a tradition. They had a small bonfire with marshmallows and crackers, remembering all the bullshit they pulled in high school. Caroline opened the school yearbook and read all the stupid things they had found very philosophical back then. 

"I have survived a dystopian world, is it not enough?" Caroline read Gus' words.

On his last night, he got a a call from Alina Pratt and surprisingly enough, he picked it up. He found himself smiling as she said she wanted to talk to him about something and she would text him the time and place for the day. Conan really hoped it was something good, like her leaving Samuel. Or maybe she was calling him so that Samuel would murder him. It was worth a risk.

Alina Pratt maybe she changed her mind idk 

Ali: the lake. 5 in the eve

Conan: k. i will be there maam

Ali: :)

Ali: :)

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