VI. Wished I Were Dead

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For the next few days, Conan's schedule was so hectic that he couldn't even text Heather. His days were filled with endless calls from his managers, responding to fan-mail since his new song was coming out soon. The advertisement campaign was on full speed. On all social media platforms, Conan responded to fans, posted teasers. There was a photoshoot coming up right ahead for his new song. 

Ashley and him couldn't talk. Others like Caroline, Hannah and Gus texted him updates on his family and home life. Even his mom and dad sent him frantic texts, asking him if he were sick-or worse, kidnapped. 

Klara had kept Conan on a short leash. She scheduled events, talked the record producers and the actors in the music videos. Conan hated making everything public, which was strange, he was a vlogger. Back then, he had thought, no one would watch his videos and he was saving them as memories, thing he could show his kids. Now, everyone watched him. 

A week passed by and Conan's hectic life sort of slowed down to it's normal, boring pace. Klara was still sort of fussing over the new profile that had would be put over on his social media accounts. No dress she had seen captured the vibe of the song. It was there but not really. Conan honestly was a little excited to see it but Klara told him nothing she had seen was perfect.

Perfect. Conan didn't like the word. It always made his insides sting.

"Can I help you with the dress the search?" He asked Klara. She looked at him suspiciously, lowering her glasses. Her pen had stopped scrawling on the paper. 

"Do well, Kiddo." She said, after a while. Conan was offered a tight and rare smile by Klara. He didn't hate his manager. She was rough at times, yes. She was extremely bossy or rather had good leadership skills. In fact, had she not helped him through these two years, Conan was sure he would have never made it. He might have written great songs but she gave them a platform. 

"I believe in you." She had told him, when she first met him. He was gangly and scrawny teen back then. "You need to too."

And so the dress search began. They had just one week left and Conan didn't want to settle for anything short of extraordinary. He went from interns to experienced designers but all of them had the same idea. 

After a while he got sick of sending emails to people. So, he sat down and decided to answer texts. 


Heather: Hi :)

Conan: Hey. 

Heather: Everything okay? You haven't been online for a while. 

Conan: It's great. I am just searching for a new dress for my profile picture. 

Heather: Work hard. 

Conan: I will. I am jut taking a break. 

Heather: I knw some people who have premade dresses that rock. If you want to, I can give you their contacts.

Conan chuckled at how he had misspelled 'know'. He had sort of given up on trying to the perfect clothing but he didn't want to be seen as rude. So, he just did the shit.

Conan: You don't have to take the trouble.


Heather: It's no trouble. ;)   

Heather: They are the top fashion designing students in the year. 

Conan: wOw. I really appreciate it. 

Heather: Hehe I hold something over Conan Gray. 

Conan: :O . Your wish is my command Sire. 

Heather: I wish you were sober.

Conan: NEAT. 

Heather: I enjoyed your album. A lot. 

Conan: TYSM! 

Heather: I also have a question. 

Conan gulped. He prayed to god that this wouldn't be what he thought it was. This was exactly what he feared. 


Heather: I don't mean to sound conceited or anything.

Heather: I just sort of am bemused.

Heather: Am I Heather?

Heather: I am not perfect. If you think so, you don't know me that well, I guess. 

Heather: Did you wish I were dead in High School? I am not even mad. I wished I were dead in High School too.

Conan opened the side menu and clicked on 'block contact'. 

*contact blocked*

*contact blocked*

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