XVII. Harder Not To Smile

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Author's Note: I honestly don't get people who say, "WHO CARES?" when people come out to them. Like, stop saying that homophobia and transphobia don't exist.

                              Prediction- Conan will announce CG2 today

                              Prediction- Conan will announce CG2 today

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"So...Heathcliff, huh?" Ashley said. She was probably nodding awkwardly on the other side, trying to make sense of her best friend's fucked up love life.

"Yeah, well," he said, pacing around his room half naked. His eyes caught a glance of his own reflection on a long mirror. He almost gagged at his unruly hair and thin upper body. Ribs like violin strings, he thought. "I guess he has changed."

"I mean clearly," she scoffed. "How are you gonna tell him?"

"I thought you would help me in that department," he admitted sadly.

"I know we are really different," she said. "But we can both agree that asking out people is not really our department in any way."

Conan laughed and checked his closet for a t-shirt. He found his favourite one. The one with the light blue and pale-yellow stripes. He grabbed the hanger and threw it on the bed.

"But you asked out Keiran," Conan pointed out, still desperate for tips.

"That's because were both extremely awkward and well someone had to make the ogling stop and make the first move."

"So, how do I make the first move?" Conan asked, still not sure about his feelings. "What if he turns out to be perfect and not me?"

"Are you really gonna be competing with someone you like?" Ashley asked dryly.

"That is actually a great song idea," Conan said, nodding and tucking his phone between his shoulder and ear. He pulled the shirt off the hanger.

"Let's be honest," Ashley said, a soft buzz audible on her side. "No is fucking perfect, not even fucking Jesus Christ, okay? Best you can hope for is that you bring out his imperfect side, right?"

Conan pressed loudspeaker, threw the phone on the mattress and pulled his shirt over his body, doing the buttons.

"I guess," Conan said.

"What changed between you and him?"

"Well," Conan said a little louder than usual. "He punched Kyle and apologized to me which I found really hilarious later. Then when he came over to watch the movie with me, let's just say we ended up close...physically."

"That's a fucking meet cute right there."

"For the time being," Conan said, lying down on the bed, spreading his arms. "I am more concentrated on getting him to like me. But that's not easy, I have a new song coming out the day after tomorrow and he has to study for University."

"Then take him, not-really-date dates every two weeks," Ashley said. "You are a good person, Cone. Your only problem is you don't realize it when people are in love with you because you keep thinking you are not good enough."

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