IX. What are the fucking odds?

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"I am Heathcliff. Your new designer." The a voice said. It was creamy, smooth yet with anoited with a certain alluring roughness. It seemed like the voice of singer who rarely sung, preserving their talent, as if it would ever run out. 

What are the fucking odds?

Conan clutched the soda can in his hand tightly, the liquid coming up to the brim and spilling partially. He mentally cursed himself for doing so. 

Now, Conan, his rational and mature voice spoke. I am pretty sure that there are a lot of Heathcliffs in California. 

Even though this part of him was extremely calculative and almost always correct, he was goddamn sure that this boy was...his Heather. 

The universe really does hate me, he cackled sarcastically on the inside. As if he hadn't felt abashed enough for blocking his number, now he had to meet him face to face. He wondered if he could sawn dive off the roof at the moment. Maybe he he chucked the soda in his face and ran to the bathroom with an excuse, he could jump out the window. Given, he lived a few stories above the ground but it seemed more feasible than meeting him

"Conan," Karla said, he had their backs on him but he could still imagine the mad look she had on. Her eyebrows furrowed and teeth gritted, that fake and taunting smile and her hands tightly clasped over one another. " Say hello."

He coughed loudly, acting as if he had choked on his soda. He dropped the can, a act to keep up the charade that he would regret, later on. He ran towards his bedroom and opened the bathroom door. 

I must have looked like a maniac. 

He heard the rush of footsteps, of sneakers, slicking and pressing against the floorboards, rasping like a rattle snake. 

"Um, are you okay?" The boy asked. Conan had expected the voice to be concerned and caring, instead it came out bored and tired. 

"I-I," Conan faked wheezing beyond the door. "c-cho-ked. It will take a while."

"Conan," Karla said, she must creeped inside the room silently. "I guess I have been making you work too hard...Don't worry about the mess, I will clean it up."

She sounded guilty, which made Conan feel guilty too. Half the time he had playing games of his computer. Yes, he had sent substantial emails but he had played games too. 

Conan slammed his fist on the sink, coughing even louder. 

"Are you okay?" Karla asked, knocking on the door. "Guess, I will just give Heathcliff some dress of yours to get the measurements from..."

"D-don't o-open my c-lloset." He said. 

"AH!" Karla's voice rung out triumphantly. " I found one on your bed. I am giving this one, okay?"

Conan grunted to show his affirmation and continued coughing till the voice of their footsteps grew fainter and fainter. 

Mama Gray 

Mama Gray: Baby, are you okay?

Conan: Yeah mom :) all fine

Mama Gray: Your manager said you were sick

Conan: I just choked on some soda. nothing too fancy

Mama Gray: call me, if you arent busy 

"Hello, Conan?" His mom said on the first ring

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"Hello, Conan?" His mom said on the first ring. 

"Hey, Mama Bear." He smiled. "I am okay."

She sighed on the other side of the line. "Why are you lying?"

Because I feel fucking alone.

Because he is here. 

Because I hate him. 

Because he will always be better than me. 

"I am not." Conan said, defensively. He wrapped his arms around himself in an attempt to warm himself even though it wasn't cold. "I-I am okay."

"Okay, young man." She said defeatedly. "I know you are busy but it doesn't hurt to call, does it?"

"Alyssa put you up to it, didn't she?" He said, lowering the lid of the toilet and sitting on it. He didn't feel comfortable. He felt as if the hollowness would give away and he would fall. 

"Does it really matter?" She retorted. "I have to call Ashley for updates. Even Caroline, Gus and Hannah somedays."

"I am working on something mom." He said. 

"I know. But call me. I have always loved hearing your voice. Even when you came through vagina and cried."

"I didn't need to know that." Conan laughed. "Thank you, Mom."

"I love you, Conan." She said softly. "I know I nag sometimes-"


"Yes, yes. I nag always but I just worry about you."

"I know." He said. "I love you."

And he talked for the rest of the evening. 

Author's Note: If you liked it, please hit the vote button. It helps me a lot. If you have any questions, please leave them as an inline comment. 

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