XLIII. Knew Dismissal

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Author's Note: You have been waiting for this for years now. The much awaited....thing. Y'all wattpad won't save the pictures. I am sorry.

"Louis you are so grounded tonight," Conan said, closing the door to his mom's car. He turned around to face Heath who was just standing at the front of the doors of the store. 

"You aren't my dad!" he whined through the glass, pounding his fist once. He sunk back into the seat when Conan glared at him once. He smiled meekly and held up his thumbs as if to say, get your boy.  

Conan turned around and walked to Heath, who was awkwardly looking around like it wasn't his own place, his eyes fluttering over everything but Conan's face. 

"I could drop you home," he offered but he shook his head. "I have my mom's car."

Conan didn't feel like talking to him and got the vibe that he didn't want to talk to them either. It was a mutual feeling. But he knew that if didn't clear it up now, they might not get a chance to clear it up again and then he would never look at him the same way. 

"I need to lock the doors," Heath said, just when Conan was about to open his mouth. "Bye, Conan." 

He had grown up with an elder sister. He knew dismissal when he heard it. Heath wasn't just telling him to indirectly fuck off, he refused to acknowledge all the things his brother had said. It was almost like him spewing all the truth was nothing and it didn't happen. 

"Aren't you gonna talk about what he said?" Conan asked, his face burning red. Did he really have to address it? 

"Oh, Louis?" Heath said, as if he had forgotten the child's name itself. "What is there to talk about? It's like you said, kids say crazy things."

Crazy things that are right, he thought. I hope I didn't say that out loud too.

"I should get going," he said, standing up from his crouch and tucking his keys. "You should too, he looks hungry."

"Kids are always hungry," he commented, wanting to make small talk. 

"Yeah," he said though he didn't sound like agreed. 

The next time they met up was more awkward than anything ever

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The next time they met up was more awkward than anything ever. Heath and Conan were supposed to carpool together. It was a slow Sunday and many people had decided to get out on the road. Conan drove that day too, scaring the other to death. Heath didn't talk to him at all. The boring radio went on and on and Heath listened to some audiobook with his earpods on, about the Prince of Wales falling in love with the First Son of America (YES, IT'S AN ACTUAL BOOK BESTIES).

Conan turned off the radio quickly, irritated by the amount of ads and gaggling about some new album by a singer he couldn't care less about. 

Heath laughed softly, his eyes glowing. At first, the other thought he was laughing at him. No, he was laughing because he was listening to a book someone must have said something funny. 

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