XXXV. Little Moments

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Author's Note: Okay, the article at the bottom sucks but bear with me please. 

Contradictory to what had happened the evening before, the ride was to Austin wasn't awkward at all

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Contradictory to what had happened the evening before, the ride was to Austin wasn't awkward at all. Maybe both of them had understood it was in their best interests to make conversation rather than keeping silent and filling the air with awkwardness. They listened to music and Conan had given him his i pod without a second thought. Heath played all the songs Conan had ever mentioned, from every album he had mentioned. He liked that about him, how he would not just ignore or mock the things he liked. He paid close attention. Surprisingly enough he also played things he had never mentioned with him around. He remembered every speck of conversations they had had about music but Adele was never on them. It flabbergasted him too, the fact that he hadn't mentioned Adele but more so that he played his favourite Adele song. Perhaps, he had let it slip in some interview. Did it mean he watched him online? Had he seen some of the crazy ones? Like the one from the Zach Sang Show? 

Suddenly he felt really exposed and vulnerable. Though he did hide some part of him in the interviews and would answer dishonestly, he felt like there was too much about him out in the world. 

At some point of time one of his songs from Sunset Season started playing and Heath sung along off key. He remembered each and every lyric from the song and sung extremely dramatically. So maybe he had been deluded when he had called him a singer who preserved his beautiful voice as if it would ever run out. He hit a high note, sounding terrible and giggled. Maybe not, he thought.  He sings like a penguin but he is freaking adorable.

"Oh my god," he said between laughs, "I suck at singing."

"You do," he said in agreement. A fake flash of hurt passed over his face. 

"Ouch," he said, clutching his heart with both his hands and sounding offended, "Simon Cowell."

Then the staring resumed. It was again flushed faces, looking away, getting caught, a lot of awkward smiles, flying eyes and cute expressions.

They stopped to use restroom at some local diner. The waiter threatened them to buy something on their way out. Conan low-key wanted to give them a lecture on Southern Hospitality but then he saw the long tongs he was toying with. He gave up the idea soon after he got it. 

oh my fucking god they are so cute and we keep having these little moments i love my life so much thank you god

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Tweeted by Conan Gray at 7:46 AM 

Did Heathcliff use or follow him on twitter? He was seemingly calm and didn't look he used Twitter. What was the point of hiding it now anyways? He must have understood that there was no he did not like him. It was almost like he wanted him to know. After last night's thoughts he felt like a jerk. 

It had only been five months now, since Julian died and he was expecting him to get over it in like five months. They had been together for three years. Probably would have promised each other forever in one more and he expected him to forget him. Gods, he would never forget. His memories and death would always remain something in the back of his head, looming like great cloud. He hoped he could be the sun and drive them away. 

"I bought a cupcake and a coffee for you," Heath said, walking towards him like a silk eared puppy who had just seen the biggest treat. 

"My mom threw a pillow at me and had me make my own breakfast while she prayed," Conan told him about the sad ordeal that had occurred a few hours ago. "Asian moms are so goddamn savage." (No disrespect to Asian moms. You all are really cool. I have an Asian mom.)

They reached in Austin and had to go to spilt. Conan dropped Heath uptown and went to the address Karla had texted him. 

The recording went smoother than usual

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The recording went smoother than usual. There were no producers yelling to get Conan a water or coffee. They seemed least interested in cozying him up. They cut straight to the point and Conan found that loads better. 

He was free by the evening but Heath was running late at his job. Conan had plenty of free time and no one to hang out with so he just scrolled through comments on his music videos, tempted to reply to some. 

they are so freaking hot that i cant even be mad that they are late i think i am in love

456.8K likes, 5645 retweets, 8889 comments

tweeted by Conan Gray at 5:32 PM  

----------> crashley74 replied---- i wonder whom u r talking about boy 👀

       ------------> replying to crashley74's comment----I AM CLEARLY TALKING ABOUT THEM BESTIE

"I am so sorry I am late," Heath said when he finally arrived in about half hour. 

"It's okay," Conan said flashing a smile. He wouldn't have cared if he had made him wait all night long. His face was worth waiting for.

Is Indie Pop artist Conan Gray having a spring romance?

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Is Indie Pop artist Conan Gray having a spring romance?

FuzzBeed Article #45678

Indie pop artist Conan Gray has been hinting a summer romance that has had fans speculating he is dating. Recently two of his viral tweets suggested that he liked someone. According to numerous resources, he is currently in his home state, Texas. Many fans retweeted and reposted thinking he was talking of fellow artist Olivia Rodrigo whom he seemingly adores. Though neither of them have confirmed anything, many fans took to social media and started bombarding Gray and calling him a pedophile. Conan Gray has not reacted to these trolls or made any official statement. 


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