"Hey, Brent." Cassie said.

              "Hey sis, what's for breakfast?" Brent asked.

              "Cereal, juice, and some fresh fruit." She said gesturing to the food on the table in front of her.

              "Looks great." He said barely acknowledging Anna's existence.

              Brent sat down across from Anna so that she had no choice but to look at him.

              Cassie began to speak. "So are you two an item now or something?"

              Both Anna and Brent immediately tensed up. "Why do you ask?" Brent asked Cassie.

              "Oh, just because I heard you guys kissing last night and neither of you came down for dinner," she said with a grin on her face.

              Now it was Anna's turn to speak. "Honestly Cassie we haven't talked about are relationship status." She paused. "And as for the kiss, how'd you know about it?"

              Cassie through her fist up in the air triumphantly. "So you two did kiss. I want all the details." Brent grunted as he took a bite of cereal.

              "Seriously Cassie, can't you mind your own business. This needs to be taken care of between Anna and me." He said.

              Cassie sighed defeated. "Oh, fine I'll leave you two alone to talk." She got up from the table taking her coffee cup with her. She set it in the sink and then left the house to look for one cowboy in peculiar, Clint.

              Brent kept eating his cereal and looking at the paper next to him after Cassie left the two of them alone.

              "Brent what's going on between us?" Anna asked seriously looking him straight in the eyes.

              He looked up from his paper. "Frankly I know as much as you do about us, which is nothing."

              Anna smiled shyly at Brent. "How about this..." She paused thinking over what she was about to say. "How about we just try to be friends right now and later on we can look into whatever there is between us."

             Brent looked like he was thinking over what she'd just said. "Sure why not." He held out his hand to her. "Friends?"

              She grabbed his hand from across the table and shook it. "Friends."


             Cassie walked out the front door looking around to see if she could spot her cowboy. Not seeing him around Cassie walked over to the barn. Clint was standing in front of the stall where his horse, Perseus was.

              She snuck up behind him and out her hands in front of her eyes. "Guess who?" She asked in a sultry voice."

              Clint played along. "Gee, I don't know, is it Carrie Underwood."

              "Nope." She said popping the p. "Try again."

              "Maybe it's Julianne Hough." He mused out loud.

              She took her hands off of her eyes and pulled Clint to turn him around. She kissed him long and slow before she finally let him go. "You better have known it was me." She told him seriously.

              Clint put his hands on her waist. "Of course I knew it was you."

              "Good. Do you want to go into town with me today? We need some more supplies for around here and I could really use a big strong man to help get it." She said emphasizing his biceps.

              "Sure just let me finish cleaning out the next couple of stalls and I'll be ready to go." He kissed her lightly on the lips and then he released her.

               "Okay, I'll go and get my purse. Do you want to take my truck or yours?" she asked him.

              Clint mulled the idea over in his head for a minute. "Let's take mine. I'll meet you out by the truck in a couple minutes."

              Cassie left the barn for the house trying to remember where she had put her purse last.

              She suddenly knew how she could help Brent and Anna. They could go into town and have a girl's day, go shopping and get manicures and pedicures. It had been so long since she'd gone into town and go shopping with another female around her own age. It was Tuesday now so they could go into town on Thursday or Friday.

              Anna was wiping down the countertops in the kitchen when Cassie walked into the house. "Hey, Anna, I was wondering if you'd want to go into town with me on Thursday or Friday and have a girl's day with me." She paused, letting Anna mull the idea over. "We could go shopping, eat junk food, and get manicures and pedicures."

              That idea sounded amazing to Anna. She could use a fun filled day to relieve some of the stress and tension she'd been feeling since she'd moved to Montana. "That sounds great. Either days fine with me."

              "Great we can talk about it more tonight. I have to go into town to get some supplies, but I should be back for dinner."

              "Sounds great. I can make dinner tonight. Just one question what's Brent's favorite thing to eat for dinner?" Anna asked with a sincere look on her face.

              Cassie couldn't help but think, 'Ah, she's already starting to fall for him.'

              "He loves beef stroganoff with French bread with butter -- which I can pick up while I'm in town. I would also make a salad to go with it." She said as she looked around for her person.

              "Thanks I'll see you later. Have fun." Anna said as Cassie grabbed her purse and waved goodbye to her.

              Cassie saw Clint standing by his truck when she exited the house the house. "You ready." He asked.

              "Yeah, let's get going." She smiled up at him as she opened her door and climbed up into his truck.

              They laughed and smiled their whole way into town.

              Clint loved her, yet he felt bad about taking her up all her time when he could never marry her because he couldn't support her. He'd have to leave and make something of himself if he ever wanted to marry her. Which he did, more than anything else in this world.


Here's the next chapter just like I promised. I hope you enjoy it! Please vote & comment!!!

The song on the side doesn't really have anything to do with this chapter, but it's kind of a prelude to what is going to happen between Cassie and Clint, he isn't going to die or be dead like the guy in the song. Enjoy!!!

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