Chapter 6||咲く火の渦

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Date: 2021-07-14

I don't know what I plan to do. Lung at him and just make a wild grab for it? Go in swinging and take out as many as I can? Burst in and hold them at kunai point? None of these are good choices,all of these plans have wide open holes. It's simple fact that there are only five of us and there are loads of them. Not that I'm saying that were weak,but Konohamaru sensei said that they shouldn't know that we're ninjas.

Because I was angry, that's why. I was pissed off and there was nothing anyone could do to stop me. Boruto is leaning forward,hissing something onto my ear,but I'm not paying attention to him. My eyes are glued to the man leaning against the back wall. Something about him draws my eyes. The careful way he looks around himself,the way he's relaxed...but not. Like he's ready to spring into action at any moment.

I put one hand up to hush Boruto,because the man leaning on the back wall is moving. He's reaching into his jacket, he's nodding at someone.

"No way" I hiss,and Boruto says "what? What?"

The five of us watch in astonishment as the man springs from the wall,yanking a pistol from his coat. There's a chaos suddenly. A woman,one of the maids,is screaming. A blast of gunfire makes me clamp my hands over my ears. I'm grinning though. I can't believe our luck.

"Whoa what's happening?" Sarada shouts.

"A raid! This is perfect come on!" Konohamaru sensei said.

But before he could move I spring up from the staircase,hearing Sarada and Boruto shout at me as I bolt forward. My hearing is shot on one side now. It doesn't matter.

"Yo! Gonna steal Mitsuki's saying 'I don't care either way' yeah?"

I ignore the voice as I shove past two men grappling with one another. There's a third man,the one who's been leaning on the wall,waving his pistol around shouting "police! Police!"

My target,the beating man in charge,has slumped out of his chair. He's holding his leg,groaning. A thick,dark patch of liquid is spreading out over his trouser legs. He's been shot. He leans forwards and the jewels falls out his shirt, swinging on the silver chain. My heart gallops,and I dart forward and barrel into him, swinging the kunai wildly,gripping it more like a club.

I duck as more gunfire explodes behind me. Someone is roaring "get down! Get down! Sakuhi get down!". I look beside me and it was Mitsuki. He ducked me further before a bullet can hit my head.

The gunshots stopped and Mitsuki let me free. I reach for the jewel,a shock of excitement running through me all the way down to my toes and fingers wrapped around the silver chain. Boots thumped over the floorboards,the noise heading straight for me. I yank on the chain,one hard tug,and the links break. It's mine. The jewel. Is. Mine.

"Let go!" Someone yelling frantically "don't touch that!"

I whirl around,grabbing the jewel in one fist. A boy around my age,or maybe Iwabe's age,standing in the middle room,his jaw hanging like a freshly caught mackerel gasping for air,one hand pressed his stomach. He have black shiny hair,wearing a leather jacket with white shirt and black jeans with black boots,a silver ring on his right hand,on his ring finger. All around him men lie bleeding. One of them is groaning and rocking from side to side on the ground,blood pooling around arm. There's only one man standing.

He staggers forward,shaking his head. "You can' shouldn't..." When he falls forward be catches himself with one hand,knees hitting the floor with a hollow thunk. Fat droplets of blood make tiny 'thock,thock,thock' noise as they splatter onto ground in the silence. I glance Boruto and Sarada peering over the staircase at me,eyes wide. While Konohamaru and Mitsuki stared at the guy with confusion.

The Whirlpool Of Blooming Fire||Uzumaki Sakuhi||Where stories live. Discover now