Chapter 5||咲く火の渦

78 3 1

Date: 2021-07-14

We climb for ages,and the mountain gets steeper and more treacherous the higher we get. My arms should have scraped nearly raw from grabbing onto sharp rocks and gnarled,scratchy tree branches,hauling myself up hand over hand. But thankfully I wore a supper tough stylish gloves with the fingers cutted off.

At least the ridgeback is way behind us now. When I look back over my shoulder I can see it's huge form lumbering over the sand, luckily moving away from us. It's had its meal and it's probably going to find somewhere to rest. The thought makes me angry,climbing a little faster,trying to concentrate on my hands and feet and not to think about the horrible fate of the other team.

Boruto is complaining still,and now it's louder,loud enough for us to hear it clearly. "This was a brilliant idea. Climbing the ruddy mountain,not using charka, didn't kill that bastard,oh yes,this is great"

Sarada snapped at him. "Shut it, Boruto! I don't see you coming up with something better. Or should we have stuck around and been chewed on? You can go and shake hands with the ridgeback for all I care!"

Boruto looks down "well" he says loudly "those others got eaten up by that thing! I can't just-"

Konohamaru sensei take a huge breath of air,telling himself to restrain from hitting him "Keep Climbing"

But unfortunately Boruto and Sarada still argues back and forth.

I spoke up "stop it you two. Look, we're nearly halfway up the mountain"

They both shut up long enough to look back over their shoulders.

"You two put on double speed when you started arguing. I'm right,you two would make a great couple" Mitsuki smiles while I nod in agreement.

"And now,kiss and make up, because I can't keep up this pace" I panted. Maybe wearing a leather jacket on a dessert is a bad idea.

Sarada muttered "I think I'd kiss a ridgeback first" and kept climbing. And I just know that as soon as she said the word 'kiss' that thought of Boruto kissing her popped into my and Mitsuki's mind,and we secretly smiles. Until a memory popped into my head,Sarada blocking Boruto's accident kiss with her foot.

"I'd just as soon kiss a man" Boruto barked with an annoyed face.

"Then kiss Mitsuki!" Sarada barked back with a death glare!

"Tch whatever!" He said getting ahead himself.

Mitsuki just let a little laugh as I joined him. "Would you kiss Boruto if I told you to?" I asked as he put a thinking face. "Uhh...maybe?" He said as I laugh, forgetting the place we're in.

"Let's start around the mountain now" Konohamaru sensei glanced upwards,satisfied that there isn't much climbing left until we reach the top.

We traveled in silence now,the only sound is our footstep crunching over rocks and dead branches. We're moving sideways now,and it's an awkward sort of traveling,with one leg feeling longer than the other since we're constantly at an angle from the step incline. This high on the mountain the trees have grown sparse and the shade is thin only in patches now. I can feel my hair sticking to the back of my neck,and Sarada keeps moving her glasses on her face,like it's getting too hot. I envy the shade it gives her eyes though,when we're moving through patches of hot sunlight that bake the rocks and make them too hot to touch. Luckily we aren't hauling ourselves upwards anymore, so I only burn my fingers once or twice when I brace myself on them.

Boruto, who's walking in front of us,is grumbling to himself again. When he comes to an abrupt stop all of a sudden. I snapped "what?" Before I actually run into his back.

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