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It's strange being in a relationship where I know without a doubt I am loved.

And not only am I loved, I am cherished.

I know this not because of grand gestures or emotional testimonies, but because of small acts that one may not normally notice or think twice about.  However, due to my past trauma, I've come to notice everything, whether that be a slight change in tone or a genuine display of affection.

Isaiah never stops showing his love for me, but some of the few things I've noticed in the last week are as follows:

1.) I went to go shower and while cleansing myself of the day's stress and sweat, he picked out my clothes for me, making sure to provide me with my nighttime essentials: a big t-shirt and a pair of underwear. I yelled from the shower, advising him to make sure he's not giving me a thong to sleep in, but instead something more cozy. He entered the bathroom, placed his choices on the counter, and said, "I had grabbed a white pair but remembered you're on your period, so I brought you a black pair instead." I got out and found an oversized t-shirt and a black pair of boyshorts waiting for me.

2.) We ordered pizza two nights ago and upon its arrival, he grabbed the two boxes from me and told me, "Sit down, I'll serve you."

3.) We prepared dinner one night and once it was ready I gave him his plate. He grabbed it out of my hand, made a stop at the refrigerator for a soda, and said, "I already grabbed you a drink baby."

4.) I talk in my sleep nearly as much as I talk when I'm awake. Finding it amusing, I've asked him to record me when he can so I can hear the ridiculous things that flow out of my subconscious mind. He's done this a few times, and in every recording, he goes along with my gibberish, having full conversations with me. The most interesting part of these interactions though is that he makes sure to end every one of these conversations with "I love you," something he feels compelled to tell me even when I'm unconscious.

5.) I expressed to him my love for the Olympics the other night, telling him it's my dream to attend one. He has never watched the Olympics and believed they only consisted of sports. I however told him while I would attend some of the sporting events, I am far more interested in the show they put on beforehand. Not knowing what I was referring to, he asked me to show him and proceeded to watch an hour long YouTube video of the 2014 Olympic Opening Ceremonies and Walk of Nations with me.

How I found this man alone baffles me, not to mention that he is just as in love with me as I am with him.

I plan to hold on to him forever.

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