chapter twenty - epilogue

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One Year Later

"I don't know, doll, it seems a little small," Bucky said as you two wandered around the two-story suburban.

"Small?" You chuckled. "You got some big plans, Barnes?"

Bucky eyed you. "I got a few ideas, Mrs. Barnes."

You held up your left hand, your engagement ring twinkled from the sunlight shining into the empty master bedroom. "Future Mrs. Barnes."

"Close enough," Bucky shrugged with a ridiculous smirk on his face. You pushed his shoulder lightly.

You two had made some major moves in the past year - you almost couldn't figure out how you actually got here. It felt like just yesterday you were begging Bucky to retire and now here you two were looking at homes. Engaged.

Bucky had even gotten a local construction job (they were quite impressed with how much he could carry) and, in a grand moment of impulsivity, cut his hair. He claimed it just made it easier with his job but you felt it held a bit more meaning to him than just that.

But no matter the reason, you very much loved the shorter look, taking any chance you could to run your fingers through it. Including now, as you two looked around in one of the other rooms of the home. Your realtor had specifically called this one a children's room. You and Bucky had pretended not to hear that.

"I don't think it's horrible," you said and you did mean that. The home was fine. It was average, what could be expected for a house in the suburbs of the city. It wasn't so far away that you were out of reach from the others but still gave you guys a fresh start.

Bucky sighed. "Yeah, but it's not wowing you."

You shook your head. "No, it's not. Maybe we'll have better luck with the next one." Bucky agreed and you two descended the stairs meeting your realtor in the kitchen. That was probably the best part of the house and you hated to watch it go but you weren't keen on buying an entire home for one room. You explained your situation to the realtor and she agreed. You planned to meet next week at another home she thinks you two would find to be much more suitable.

You departed shortly after and decided on a little cafe to stop in at for lunch. You ate on their patio, looking out at the suburban landscape. There was a park not too far away completed with a baseball field and jungle gym. A Starbucks sat kiddie-corner from the cafe. It seemed like the perfect area for you two.

"I can't believe this," you mumbled, a bit accidentally. Bucky didn't miss it. His brows furrowed at your words.

"What can't you believe?" He asked. "This lunch? The sandwich is really good."

You smiled. "No, I meant I can't believe... This. All this. We're sitting here having lunch, engaged, after looking at a home. This is life right now."

Bucky nodded, picking at the side salad he had got with his sandwich. "I didn't expect to be here."

You didn't know what to say. He had expressed these beliefs vaguely before but you hadn't pressed, maybe a little nervous for what he would say.

Bucky continued, "I- When we first started moving forward, I was convinced something would go wrong. It all seemed perfect, too perfect. I thought there was a way I would mess it up or you would realize I'm not actually what you want or - or just something. I don't know." He shook his head. "I never thought I'd have the guts to propose or you'd have any reason to say yes. I certainly didn't think you'd want to move in with me permanently after..."

After everything you had seen. You didn't need him to say anymore. You felt it, you knew it. You also had to admit, it had taken quite a few therapy trips for you to get more stable and confident in your newfound life. As for the dreams... They came and went. Sometimes they were normal, just depictions of Bucky in regular life, but any moment of distress would overshadow them. But it was nothing — absolutely nothing — compared to the violence you had once witnessed. You'd take these times of distress over it any day. You were happy you were getting along. Both you and Bucky had put in work and, so far, it was panning out.

"Bucky," you said, "I couldn't have imagined my life turning out any differently than this. This... This is perfect, in the best sense. You're not going to mess anything up and, well, I guess if either of us does, we'll get through it. I think we always do."

Bucky's eyes began to water but he ignored it and reached for your hands over the table. You allowed, holding him tightly.

"Thank you, doll," he whispered, "so much."

You chuckled a bit, fighting back the tears. "Gosh, we really a dramatic pair, aren't we?"

Bucky matched your amusement, playfully rolling his eyes. "I guess so, but we work."

"By some crazy, twisted Fate."

Your soulmate hummed in agreement. "That's definitely one way to describe it."

You two shared a laugh then turned back to your meals. Where you two went from here was a bit uncertain. Would you find a home? When would you get married? Would little ones be on the horizon? You didn't know the answers but you knew you two would figure it out.

You had your soulmate and he was beyond anything you could've ever dreamed of.

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