chapter six

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When you woke up the next day, something new was in the air. Everything felt lighter, a bit more relaxed. You actually felt refreshed for what seemed like the first time in your life. As dramatic as it sounds, it was unreal.

You sat up in bed, taking in the morning without the dread. Sure, prior to your dream last night there were bits of chaos still lurking. You couldn't ignore it and it certainly was not going to go away overnight but everything had shifted, and you could at least appreciate what lulled you to sleep.

You sighed, almost looking off into a daydream like a lovestruck school girl. You had seen Bucky in such a normal fashion just sitting in his bed reading. You didn't know when exactly the memory had been from but that didn't matter. It was something without violence, it was a real look at him. He was so content as he focused on the book...

But you didn't have the time to sit around pondering about your soulmate's hobbies forever. You still had a life to get on with.

Despite your body's reluctance, you lugged yourself out of bed and started getting your work uniform together. There was a bit of pep in your step, a complete contrast to just a few weeks ago when you were pulling yourself around holding on to the last bit of will you had. It was insane what one meeting with a soulmate could do. Maybe you now understood everyone's fuss over it.

You redid your hair and touched up your makeup before packing your bag for the day. Once your sneakers were on and you felt actually good (the most glorious feeling, you thought), you headed out your apartment door.

As you were making your way down the stairs, you noticed someone was waiting by the building's entrance. You rarely ever saw people around the space so the figure stunned you a bit. As you walked closer, though, you recognized that shoulder-length brown hair.

"Bucky?" You said, surprised, as you opened the lobby door. He turned around, greeting you with a warm smile.

"Good morning." He spoke so casually as if he always stood outside your apartment waiting for you.

"Everything okay?" You asked, suddenly worried his presence here wasn't as cheery as he was leading on.

Bucky nodded. "Yeah, I just came to walk you to work if that's okay."

Your jaw dropped slightly. "Walk me to work? W-Why?"

Bucky shifted his stance slightly as if suddenly embarrassed. "Because I think that's something that, uh... that..."

"Soulmates," you said, finishing his sentence. Bucky looked relieved at that. "That's something soulmates do?"

He chuckled at the little smirk you were giving him. Your heart felt so full at the thought of Bucky wanting to walk you to work, make sure you got there safe and everything. Maybe even check out the area where you spent most of your days.

"You can say no, of course."

You shook your head. "I'm flattered you want to walk me."

At your acceptance, Bucky extended his elbow for you to take. You giggled as your hand wrapped around his arm and you two began on the route. You were too giddy to look back up at Bucky, even though you could feel him sneaking glances at you, so you turned your attention to his arm. Surprisingly, it was the metal one he had offered to you. While most of it was covered by the sweater he wore, his hand was still peaking out of the sleeve. You stared down at it, curiously, watching the light bounce off the material and listening to the little groans it made as his fingers moved every now and then.

"It's not going to hurt you," Bucky said suddenly, making you jump. You quickly pulled your gaze away, opting instead to look up at him. Your heart sank at the tinge of worry behind his eyes.

while you sleep | bucky barnes x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя