Chapter:- 2

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Aariz's POV:

I came out of the washroom and my lips smiled when I found the only thing which makes me smile. The thought of the girl whom I help. I don't know her name, how she looks, and what does she do. I just know she is the daughter of the head of this village, lives in a big castle and helps girls to get their rights. Though illegally but I'm proud that she has the courage to do that.

"What are you? Who actually are you? May be you are the first girl whom I have seen doing something this courageously. You have the audacity to go against your own father and give girls their right. I don't know about you but you are weirdly affecting me. The things which I haven't felt before. The things which I have seen in movies and stories, are being felt by me. I wish that I knew how you are feeling. I really want to dig hole till the depth of your heart to know how you feel. Do you feel the same as I'm feeling? Well, why would you? I don't have anything which you have. The big house, beautiful life and living like a princess. But you know what, I enjoy my life a lot the way it is. I struggle every end of month for money but its natural, right? If you don't struggle for something then how will you get to know the value of it. So, struggling is also important." Well, don't give me weird looks. I talk to her daily like this. Because I know I will never get that day where I'll sit beside her and talk to her non stop. Because her father will never marry her off to someone like me. And second, I don't want to ruin the bond by taking the marriage proposal. And may be her Dad never ask her before her marriage. And that's why I love my life a lot. Because I have the biggest thing which many people don't have around me. Do you know what it is? Freedom. I have Freedom to live the way I want. I have the freedom to do whatever I want to do. And I think that's why I'm here. I could have chosen any city from where my office is near but I chose this village because I love the greenery around. The big mountains covered with the blanket of green grasses makes me feel heaven. The fields around are covered with the beautiful big green grasses which invites me every morning to make me feel its softness under my feet. Its just amazing. I came out of my thoughts when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and smiled.

"Anna, I think you have to come this time too. Akka isn't picking her calls. And she hasn't replied to any text yet." Before I can say anything Faheem started. But it made me confuse. Why isn't she coming? This happened last time too.

"Okay. I'll come. Send me the picture of our client. Let's see. May be she shows up." I said taking out my black coat, cap and black mask from the cupboard and walked towards the boot which I have bought for this. Well, I go on this mission becoming a black man you can say. I waited for the clock to hit 1 of the night. When the time came I got ready and I walked out of the house making sure no one sees me. I reached the destination and found the girl looking around with a boy.

"Only girl was coming I think." I said walking towards them and the boy turned.

"Well, I'm her brother and I have to make sure she is safe and sound at this time of the night." He said looking at me and I nodded my head.

"Okay. So, shall we?" I said and both of them nodded their head. We reached where Faheem usually stand with his car. The girl took her seat and I found a girl also inside. We make sure the girl who is running don't feel uncomfortable with Faheem so he usually bring some girl who has done this before.

"Akka didn't come?" Faheem asked and I shook my head.

"You guys leave before someone comes here. Text me after reaching there." I said to him and he nodded his head. He drove away and I turned to the boy who was looking at the way she left.

"You don't show your face to anyone?" He asked turning to me and I shook my head.

"Leave for your house before someone comes. Be careful." I said to him and he nodded his head. When he was out of sight I walked towards my house which is 30 minutes walk from here. But walking at this time and feeling the chilly wind is just amazing.

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