21;; betrayal at happy hour

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21;; betrayal
at happy hour

"And you'll need lots of clothes of course!" Jimin sighed, tugging at the various fabrics strung up in the wardrobe, Jungkook staring down at the suitcase that was slowly filling with more and more clothes. It was a variety of bright colours and dark, many different materials mixed into one. "I'm sure they will provide you with a variety of clothing but you need some casual clothes."

Jungkook nodded, beginning to fold some of the garments that Jimin had carelessly thrown into the case, hands skimming over silky material, everything clearly very expensive and high quality.

"Are you coming too?"

"Ah! No." Jimin smiled, closing the wooden doors as he began to help Jungkook fold the clothes, placing them neatly in the case. "I have some things to do here. But I'll be anticipating your return." Jimin teased, Jungkook letting out a small laugh. "You'll have Namjoon and his cherished. He's a sweet boy, very quiet but aren't most people in Hell?"

"Maybe he's scared of saying the wrong thing." The human replied, fiddling with the hem on one of the silk shirts, the stitching slightly coming undone as he tugged gently at the string. Jimin scanned Jungkook's body posture, noting how he was bent over, eyes staring down at his hands.

"Are you scared of saying the wrong thing?"

"Not the wrong thing, maybe I'm just self conscious that I'm doing something wrong."

Jimin softened, reaching over and placing a hand carefully over Jungkook's stopping the boy from fiddling so harshly with the fabric. "You're learning. Just like we all had too. Don't beat yourself up about something that you can't control."

Jungkook nodded, a small smile on his face as Jimin squeezed his hand before pulling the shirt away from him, folding it up and placing it on top of the pile of shirts.

"You're going to be fine. Taehyung wouldn't hurt you and Namjoon is one of the strongest guardians we have." Jimin reassured him, zipping up the suitcase as he smacked the top with a final look, sighing out. "Right. You're all packed up."

Jimin pulled the suitcase off the bed, standing it up. Jungkook smiled, moving a duffel bag on top of the case as a knock sounded throughout the room, the doors clicking open almost immediately after.

"Jungkook, I need to speak with you." Taehyung smiled shortly, glancing in Jimin's direction, the Sin smiling back at him, raising an eyebrow. "I would prefer if we were alone."

"You think just because you're the prince you can barge in here unannounced?" Jimin teased, jabbing Taehyung's side, the demon moving just in time before he could jab another finger into his ribs. "Jungkook is fully packed. Are you? You're leaving first thing tomorrow morning."

Jungkook pressed his lips together upon hearing that. Everything seemed to be going so fast, maybe even too fast. One moment he was announcing his engagement to the members of the palace and now he was expecting to roam around regions he himself didn't even know existed until two days before.

His chest felt tight and his cheeks hot, his body reacting to his mind. All he could think about was how he had no escape, of course, he wasn't being forced to go ahead and do this but what other alternative was there? Jungkook knew his stomach would churn and his head would pound with anxiety, but all he had now was Taehyung.

"I'm already packed. I had some business with my father so I made sure to pack the night before." Taehyung reassured Jimin, the Sin nodding his head. "Take Jungkook's bags to my room, then they can all be collected together."

Jimin nodded, glancing back at the human with a reassuring smile, Jungkook managing to muster a small grimace before the doors closed and the rattling of his suitcases disappeared down the hallway. It was quiet in the room, no one speaking for a few seconds before Taehyung moved closer to the bed.

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