09;; taking what isn't yours is treason in it's own right

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09;; taking what
isn't yours is treason
in it's own right

Taehyung almost smiled.

A soft hue covered his cheeks as he felt everyone stare at him. Jimin had his mouth agape and Hoseok had his eyes wide as Jungkook stared innocently up at the demon. Taehyung understood what was happening - the boy remembering him from his dream.

He was stupid, telling the boy his name. But he couldn't resist the little pout he gave, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. He was sure that if he was to relive that moment, he would provide him with any sort of information that he wanted.

But Jimin was more concerned that Taehyung had been meeting up with Jungkook, or at least trying to coerce him into doing something that he didn't want to do. His lips were set in a straight line as he folded his arms across his chest.

It was a question of if he fully trusted Taehyung. And if he didn't, what was he going to do about it?

"Um, Jungkook?" Hoseok laughed nervously, eyes narrowing at the Prince who innocently shrugged his shoulders.

"It's who I mentioned on the roof. The stranger in the cafe."

Jimin glanced over at Taehyung, the Prince still simply staring at the younger. He was unsure as to what he was thinking, but thanks to Hoseok, when he met Jungkook's eyes he could instantly see inside his mind.

It was a mess at first. Jimin having trouble breaking everything down and observing it individually. But after a few tries, he finally broke down the barrier, finally seeing into his deepest thoughts. He saw imagery of Taehyung in his dream, how he stopped him from drinking from the lake, as well as how Jungkook felt awkward at the cafe with Taehyung reaching for his hair.

It was like watching a small montage of a film, and when he came out of his mind, his head felt dizzy and intense, as though he had just been spun around at least a thousand times. He rested a hand against his forehead before moving to sit down on a bar stool, biting his lip as he attempted to stop the spinning.

"He was at the cafe with you?" Hoseok's eyes darted over to the Prince, the man licking his lips and leaning back on the counter.

He was oozing with sex appeal, Jungkook finding it hard to tear his eyes away from the properly dressed man. His long legs were covered in suit pants, a blazer and shirt on his torso. Jungkook wondered why the man was dressed so formally, but in hindsight he couldn't find himself to care - he looked good in a suit, so why wouldn't he wear one.

"Only for a moment." Jungkook mumbled back quietly, now moving to stare at his feet, pulling the ends of his hoodie over his tiny hands as he shrunk in on himself.

He looked a lot smaller now, Taehyung suddenly feeling a wave of protection over his body. Why was he feeling this for a mere mortal? Yes, Jungkook was rightfully his and was even created with him in mind, but he didn't want a mortal by his side. He didn't want someone as weak as Jungkook.

"A moment too long." Jimin sighed out, finally sitting up straight as the feeling of dizziness passed through him. "You should go home, Jungkook." He waved his hand, almost as a dismissal.

"Home? But I-"

"I'm not taking him home Jimin. He asked to come here." Hoseok quickly jumped in. He didn't want to lose all the progress they've made with Jungkook so far. They were so close to getting him through the gates of Hell, he only needed a couple more days. Yet he couldn't understand why Jimin was being like this. "He's staying." He tried to hint but Jimin narrowed his eyes, glancing over at Taehyung.

The Prince was simply staring at his own drinking on the side of the bar, listening to the background noise of the club dying down in the background. The atmosphere was tense, but Taehyung didn't seem to care as he simply swirled his finger around the rim of his glass, his rings glistening underneath the neon lights.

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